

Is goat manure safe

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Safe for what? as food?.. if these for food.. will this is not advisable to be eaten orally because goat can feed to any kinds of leaves and that leaves maybe contaminated (specially on contaminated sites) with toxic heavy metals, leaves parasites, bugs, poisonous insects etc. When goat eat that leaves of any kind, parasites can be reproduce on the stomach and may post danger to human on oral digestion. Goat manure can be considered if, there is more nutrient on it by applying as fertilizer on your backyard. In this way, parasites, toxic heavy metals and other organism can bio-accumulates through plant food cycle which can give time to minimized/reduced to allowable human daily intake as based on WHO food standards. I hope I clear my stand.. -Cris (environmental scientist)

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Q: Is goat manure safe
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What is in goat manure?

Digested pasture - reconstituted grass.

What are the ways to dispose of goat manure?

make a compost pile, spread it on your garden

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Yes. It is safe to eat the goat meat when pregnant.

What is goat manure?

The waste product produced from the animal eating grasses and other food stuffs.

What is the effect of improper disposal of goat manure?

Contamination of waterways and drinking water, potential chemical residues.

How long does it take goat manure to break down?

It can be used right away. I have goats and it works great! Other manure like chickens, cows and horses burn the root system. It doesn't need to break down. But if you want it to it takes a few years unless you crush it up :)

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What is the best way to use manure for fertilizer?

Horse manure needs to be composted for about one year before it is safe to place around plants. You compost manure in mush the same way you would anything else. Once it reaches the consistency of dirt then it's safe to use. Most people seem to have their own 'recipes' for composts.

Is it safe to use horse manure on tomato plants or can I get sick from E-coli?

Yes and yes. The horse manure should be well rotted before use as fresh manure can burn stems and roots. Only if there is E.coli,which is unlikely, in the manure is there any risk.

What happens when a dog eats cow manure?

It's safe, as long as you cook it

Is it safe to have sexual relations with a goat?

No. It is illegal and animal abuse.

Is sheep Manure safe to use as fertilizer in a vegetable garden?

Yes, but it is better if it has aged and ask the farmer what drenches he gave the sheep and watch out for weed seeds if it is fresh manure.