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Kittens can be polydactyl. Polydactyl means an extra toe. It is harmless and will not be a problem. It is a genetic feature of some cats.

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Q: Is it bad when your kittens have extra toes?
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Is it bad if your kittens have extra toes?

Not necessarily. Cats who have extra toes are called "polydactyl cats." This is caused by a genetic mutation. Their paws may look like they have thumbs or mittens, and it is not dangerous to a cat's health. Sometimes, these cats are actually bred for the extra toes. On the other hand, there are cases in which it can be a potentially serious problem. This is a condition called radial hypoplasia, in which the extra toes are not separate from the normal toes but are adjacent to them. This makes the cat's foot appear flat instead of like a mitten.

What dog breeds have extra toes and why?

That person is wrong. The Lundehund has 6 toes They use the extra toes to help them climb the cliffs of their country to hunt puffin birds. That's all I know of though..No dog breed has extra toes. Keep dreaming lolThat one person doesn't know what he is talking about. I have a dog with 6 toes on each hind leg and it is not a Norwegian lundehund

If a cat is carrying more kittens than she has teats will extra teats grow?

no, the kittens will have to learn to share or starve.

What is a congenital abnormality in which there are extra fingers or toes?


What does it mean when someone has 6 toes?

It means that they have an extra toe!

Does every person in the world have 10 toes?

No, some people have extra toes, some have 11 or 12. maybe more

Is it normal to have 20 toes of a dog?

Most dogs have 18 toes, not counting the dew claws or double dew claws that can be easily mistaken for extra toes. If your dog has more then four toes on their front feet and five in their back, he is called a polydactyl, which is just fancy word for extra toes. It's a pretty common trait, and there is usually no ill effects.

What is the name of a congenital abnormality in which there are extra fingers and toes?

supernumery digit

Is it bad to scare kittens?

Yes, if you are scaring them intentionally.

What is it called when a person has extra finger or toes?

Polydactyly means extra fingers or toes.Polydactylism

What would a polydactyle person have that a person wouldn't have?

Extra digits, fingers or toes

Do boys have extra toes?

Sometimes, its just a birth defect, girls get them also.