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There's no reason for you to give wet food to your cat to assist in defecation - the wet food has less bulk so your cat will likely defecate less.

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Q: Is it good to give cats wet food to poop?
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Related questions

What to give a cat to make their poop harder?

If your cats poop is soft or runny it's most likely the kind of food your giving it. Try getting a better quality

What causes cats to poop?

Food that wasn't used in the body

Why do cats poop?

Why are you asking this question, you sick monkey?! Just kidding. Cats poop because of all the solid food they eat needs to leave their system. The same answer is for pee, but with liquids.

Is poop good food to eat?

Gross answer but NO!

Why do cats poop why do i poop?

Poop (feces) are the waste products of digestion and certain parts of cell respiration. The food people and animals (including cats) eat is not completely utilized in the digestion process and it passes out of the intestinal tract in the form of poop! The less efficient the animal at digesting it's food the more feces it produces...that's why cows, horses and other animals produce a lot more poop than other animals.

What do cats poop?

Just like in humans, cats need for for nutrients and water to keep hydrated. In the body, the food is digested. Nutrients are kept in the body. What the body cannot use is excreted as waste or 'poop'. And they urinate liquid wastes.*Cats can have diarrhea when sick. They can also get constipated.

Can you poop food?

poop is the food the body can't digest. therefore yes you can poop food.........poop is food and it can digest into the digestive system and turns it into poop.

Why do Cats poop in barkdust?

Cats poop in sand so that they can preserve it and eat it later. BIGsalamander

Is it safe to give your dog pineapple She is 5 months old and is in the habit of eating her poop?

no, it is probably not a good idea considering almost all our food can poison them

Do jungle cats cover up their poop as house cats do?

Most do, a few don't.

How much does a cats poop weigh?

Depends how big it is

What happens if you give vegetables to your dog?

He\she will eventually 'poop it out'.Most of the 'high quality' dog food has vegetables in it.