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Yes, it is proven to be very true that mice have saved more lives than 911. Look at it like this, thousands of animals are tested each year for diseases to help save the human race. Yes, it is not only mice that are used for this testing but there are a lot more animals that are being tested the same way that the mice are. All these testing are helping 99% of the physicians that are using animal testing by showing them the many new diseases.

Hope i could help! :)

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2mo ago

This statement is not accurate. While mice are commonly used in scientific research to advance medical understanding, emergency services like 911 play a critical role in saving lives by providing rapid response and medical assistance in urgent situations. Both contribute to saving lives in different ways.

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What is the difference between ratmice?

Rats and mice are both rodents, but they have some distinct differences. Rats are generally larger than mice, with longer tails and bigger feet. Rats are more social and tend to be more aggressive than mice. Mice are smaller, have larger ears in proportion to their head, and are typically more timid than rats.

What gender of mice is more cuddly?

Unlike the hamster, female mice are nicer if you want to get more than one. Male mice can get into fights causing death. females can get feisty when they are defending their young but the male can be feisty to prove himself to a mate or something

Are rats smarter than mice?

No. On the contrary, rats are much smarter. As pets, they are also more sociable and more trainable.

Facts about wild and demesticated mice?

Wild mice typically live in fields, forests, and grasslands, while domesticated mice are bred to be kept as pets. Wild mice have a shorter lifespan than domesticated mice due to predators and harsh environmental conditions. Domesticated mice have been selectively bred over generations to have specific traits such as coat color and behavior, making them different from their wild counterparts.

Is mice a singular word?

"Mice" is the plural form of "mouse." So, say you buy one of them at the pet store. Your sentence would be, "I bought a mouse at the pet store today!" If you bought more than one, it would be, "I bought several mice at the pet store today."

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There are typically more mice than lions in an ecosystem because mice have shorter reproductive cycles, produce more offspring, and have a quicker population turnover rate compared to lions which have longer gestation periods, produce fewer offspring, and have longer lifespans. This results in a higher number of mice compared to lions in the ecosystem.

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By predating on mice, could save some crops. Other than that, no effect.

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Mice. One mouse is a mouse. Mice is more than one. The lady had mice in her house. The cat caught a mouse.

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