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Q: Is metamorphis an evolutionary innovation associated with reptiles?
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What evolutionary innovation is associated with reptiles?

An evolutionary innovation associated with amphibians is their heart, which can exchange gases outside of a water environment. This allows the amphibians to live on land.

What kind of vertebrate was the likely evolutionary precursor to mammals?


Why is cerebral cortex also known as new brain?

Evolutionary biologists believe that reptiles existed before mammals, and that mammals evolved from reptiles. Reptiles do not have a cerebral cortex in their brains, but mammals do, therefore, in evolutionary terms, the cerebral cortex is new.

What is an evolutionary change in reptiles?

Mainly size is what changed from prehistoric times to today.

Why is it hard to classify archaeopteryx?

Because it has evolutionary features of both non-avian reptiles and birds.

What was the most significant evolutionary change that allowed reptiles to colonize all the land was the evolution of?

Amniote egg

What was the evolutionary advantage of the modification of scales on reptiles to feathers on ancestral birds?

The feathers helped retain body heat.

What are mammal evolutionary innovations since reptiles and birds?

Fur, Mammary glands... Off the top of my head. Look at a phylogenic tree with MEIs for more info.

Are dinosaurs more closely related to amphibians than reptiles?

No, dinosaurs are more closely related to reptiles than amphibians. Both dinosaurs and reptiles belong to the group called diapsids, which are characterized by having two openings in the skull behind the eye socket. Amphibians, on the other hand, belong to a different group called tetrapods.

Are mammals related to birds?

Mammals are distantly related to birds. Oddly, if you look at an evolutionary tree, birds are actually more closely related to reptiles than they are to mammals.

Why are birds closer to reptiles than to mammals?

It has to do with the evolutionary tree. Shortly after the first reptiles appeared they split into synapsids and sauropsids. Mammals eventually branched off from the synapsid reptiles. After synapsid reptiles went extinct, mammals were left as the only synapsids. Meanwhile the sauropsids diversified into a number of different groups including dinosaurs and the ancestors of all modern reptiles. Later on birds emerged as a branch of the dinosaurs. In summary: mammals are synapsids while birds and modern reptiles are sauropsids.

Do all mammals have a common ancestor?

Not actually. There were several different marine reptiles that had mammalian characteristics, notably the group known as pelycosaurs. The earliest mammals appeared early in the Age of Reptiles (Mesozoic Era), but were uniformly small in size. The group called synapsids took an evolutionary path to mammals while the sauropsids became today's reptiles and birds.