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Yes we have a male and when we got him the others were all female at the store and he was the calmest!

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Q: Is the male calmer than the female bunny?
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Is a female bunny bigger than a male bunny?

Usually. She needs to be able to have babies, so she needs to be bigger.

Is a steer or cow calmer?

A steer is more likely to be calmer, just like a castrated male dog is probably calmer than a unfixed female because they have less hormones in their body. they also have better tasting meat because of it

Does a male bunny eat more than a female bunny?

No, the males should eat the same amount of food as the female. The males just grow up to be larger!! | I hope I helped!

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They will do more than take hair off a male bunny. Female rabbits have been known to castrate and even kill male rabbits if they won't leave them alone.

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yes little bunny hop hop hop im a spacy

Is the male bigger than the female or is the female bigger than the male?

A female frog has a bigger body.

What does a male bunny look like?

Male bunnies look much the same as female bunnies. Often they have a more squarish (less round) head, but this isn't a guarantee. The only way to know for sure if your rabbit is male is to check the genitalia.

Are kiwi female bigger than male?

No. The female kiwi is larger than the male.

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Because female is intelligent more than male and female is olso kind.

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A male is stronger than a female.

What is the difference between the male and the female pelican?

The difference is that a female has a white bottom and a male does not.