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Yes i saw some in China town in New York City about 5 years ago.

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Q: Is there a turtle the size of a raspberry?
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Is there such thing as a raspberry turtle?

No ,it is just a myth. There are turtles the size of rasperries though.

How small a turtle can a turtle get?

the size of a orange

How many fish can you put with a turtle?

It depends on the size of the fish and the size of the turtle.

Are turtle eggs the size of golf balls?

That would depend on the species of turtle. Sea turtle eggs are approximately that size.

If the painted turtle is 3 or 4 inches long is it a baby?

No, a painted baby turtle is only the size of a quarter as hatching, the size of the turtle has really no reference to size! Size if composed of age and food supply. a painted turtle is like a red eared turtle which can get up to 8-10" in size depending on the food / environment they are raised in

Can you put your turtle into a smaller tank?

It depends on the size of your aquatic friend. If your turtle is the size of a fifty cent piece it should be cool.

What is the average size of the adult Sea Turtle?

the average size of a sea turtle is 1.5 m or the kings Royce is 2.2 mm

How big are baby painted turtles?

dude it depends on the turtle!!! and a baby turtles gonna get to be the size of an adult turtle A baby turtle is about 1-3 inches. An adult turtle let's say red ear sliders are about 10 inches or bigger.

Are turtle eggs bigger than bird eggs?

It depends on the size of the bird and turtle.

What is the size of a matamata turtle?

Up to 18".

Size of a turtle?

2000 to 3000 inches

How many babies turtle can a girl turtle have?

It depends on the type of turtle it is. A female spotted turtle can only have 1 or 2 eggs due to its size, it only gets 5 in long. A Box turtle can have 7 or eight eggs due to its size, it gets up to a foot long. See, it all depends on what type of turtle it is and how long they get.