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There is currently no cure for head tilt, but rabbits can live with it, though they'll need special attention.

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Q: Is there home remidi for rabbit head tilt?
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What is the tilt of Earth's axis called?

The tilt of the earth's axis is called ecliptic. The tilt of the earth's axis will vary in most cases between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees.

HOW DO WE KNow that a song thrush must have ears?

becouse it runs away from predators when the preditor is about 5 meters away

Can a horses pelvis tilt?

yes you would need an equine chiropractor to put it back sraight

What to do when your rabbit is shaking?

My first thought is that the rabbit is panting, not actually shaking. Rabbits cannot withstand serious heat and can suffer and even have a heat stroke and die from being too hot for too long. They also MUST have ventilation. Do not allow your rabbit to be in direct sunlight, either. Also note where he is holding his ears. If they are upright, he is alert and using them to regulate his body temperature. If they are laid back, he is either tense or not feeling very well. Turn a fan on your rabbit in warm weather, and also take a plastic pop bottle, take the label off, fill it 3/4 with water, put the cap back on tightly, and freeze it overnight. Keep enough frozen water bottles so you can rotate them, always replacing the thawed ones with new frozen bottles. These act as a form of "air conditioning" for your rabbit. However, if your rabbit really is shaking, then he is probably very cold. He needs shelter from very cold weather. If it is not cold outside and he is shaking, he may have a fever due to some form of infection. Call the veterinarian. Another reason a rabbit may be panting is due to stress. Rabbits do not like loud noise, rowdy children, other pets, smoke, or being handled too much or played with too rough. Too much stress can wear him out, stress him out and in a short time do him in. NEVER turn a fan directly on to a rabbit, blowing under his cage or above his cage to circulate air is much better.Direct drafts can give rabbits a cold even in the summer. Rabbits can be cooled quickly by wetting their ears. Frozen bottles are an excellent idea. If the rabbit is shaking their head they may have ear mites. Check ears and use cat ear mite medication if mites are detected.

How do you leg yield?

The signals to ask a horse to leg yield are: look in the direction you want to go, shift weight to outside seat bone, apply pressure from the inside leg slightly behind the girth. If the horse heads diagonally inside of sideways, you can use a leading inside rein (drawing the inside rein out from the horses neck) to tilt his head slightly to the inside.

Related questions

Do you tilt head when performing CPR on baby?

Tilt the head when giving the breaths.

How do you use tilt in a sentence?

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What is the medical term meaning head tilt?

Torticollis is the medical term meaning "wryneck," which will result in a head tilt.

When was Tilt Ya Head Back created?

Tilt Ya Head Back was created on 2004-09-15.

What age is head tilt not used in CPR?

Head tilt chin lift is used for adults, children and infants.

Are rabbits ill when they tilt backwards and forewards?

A rabbit that tilts backwards and forwards likely has neurological problems and should see the vet as soon as possible. It sounds like the rabbit has "head tilt." Head tilt (torticollis, a.k.a. wry neck) could be caused by a simple ear infection, but it could also be something much more serious, like a parasite, a stroke, a brain abscess, a head injury, or E-cuniculi. It's important to see a vet with experience and knowledge in treating rabbits, in particular, because rabbits are very different from cats and dogs and cat/dog vets don't always know what they're doing, and can even hurt your rabbit by accident. See the related questions and links below for more help.

How do you calm a swimmers ear?

All I know is a home remedy. You should mix vinegar and alcohol and then pour into to ear and tilt your head.

How do you kiss without your noses chrusing?

To kiss without crushing noses, tilt your head slightly. People usually seem to tilt to the right. If both people tilt in the same direction, your noses will bump.

When would you not do a head tilt technique?

The head-tilt technique should not be used when it is suspected the patient may have a cervical spine or neck injury.

My bunny was 7 weeks old she was fine then her neck was twisting she couldnot standshe died with in about 1 hour do you know if that was wryneck she had and how do i prevent it in other bunnies?

Yes. Your bunny had head tilt, also referred to as wry neck or torticollis. It is also easy to detect, although the causes of head tilt can vary. Rabbits with a head tilt should be examined by a vet immediatly. Chances of recovery depend on the cause of the head tilt and how quickly the right kind of treatment is started.The most common causes of head tilt include the ear infections Encephalitozoon and Pasteurella, brain abscess Pasteurella, and other bacterial infections that affect the nervous system.In other words, you can't really prevent it with other rabbits. Just take really great care of your pet rabbit and hope for the best.

How do kiss?

just lean in and tilt your head

How does massaging work?

Tilt the person head