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Catfish are scavengers and eat bottom residue as do so-called Algae eaters, the Catfish are hardy and ruggedized and are tolerant of unheated cool tanks- a good economy pet!

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Q: Is there such thing as a cleaner fish for an aquarium?
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Related questions

Are pictus catfish good aquarium cleaners?

No catfish is an aquarium cleaner. There is no such thing as a fish that will clean a tank.

What does excess algae actually do to the fish in an aquarium?

It can kill them if you don't have a cleaner fish.

What are the living thing in aquarium?

fish sea weeds

How do you protect aquarium fish?

you need an aquarium with the thing that recycles the water so the fish can live try also putting rocks and seaweed and things like that to decorate and make the fish more comfortable

Can a tropical aquarium be in sunlight?

It is a dangerous thing to place an aquarium in sunlight because the sunlight may overheat the water and kill the fish.

What to put fish in if don't have an aquarium?

A fish bowl. Or even a bathtub... any thing that holds water. But it's est to have a aquarium with a filter and one of those heaters. Otherwise, your fish might die pretty quickly.

When a fish dies in aquarium what to do?

Get a small Aquarium Fish Net, get the body of the Fish, put it in the toilet.

How do you get pets in sims 3?

The closest thing to a pet is keeping fish in a fish bowl or aquarium if you purchased High End Loft.

Steal fish on happy aquarium?

no, you cant steal fish in happy aquarium

How long can a fish live in a non-oxygen aquarium?

It depends on what kind of fish, and the size of the aquarium.

What can aquarium fish eat?

Fish food

What is aquarium fishing?

Fishing in an aquarium; aquarium fishing is when you scoop fish out of your tank with a net.