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Q: Is there such thing as too many cecotropes in rabbits?
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Where can you buy wild rabbits for sale in PA?

You can't buy wild rabbits for sale, only pet rabbits. Wild rabbits, like all wild animals, should be left alone and not domesticated, or caught and sold. It's one thing to hunt wild rabbits, and then sell their body or products (meat, fur), but you shouldn't catch and sell wild rabbits as live animals: there are enough pet rabbits to go around (in fact, in many places, there are too many -- overpopulation).

What are three animals that practice coprophagia?

There's quite a few - including Elephants, Pandas, Hippos and Guinea pigs (aka cavies). Rabbits, too, although it's more correct to say they practice "cecotrophy," not "coprophagia," because they don't actually eat their feces: they eat their cecotropes (a different kind of dropping).

What happens if rabbits have hard stomachs?

They have colic, too many gassy vegetables.

What do you need to feed your rabbit when the poops are small and stuck together and stinky?

The description of "poops that are small, stuck together, and stinky" sounds like cecotropes, not feces. Rabbits produce two kinds of droppings: feces, and cecotropes. Healthy feces are round, hard, and dry; cecotropes are small, mushy, sticky, often smelly, and either found in singles or grouped together in a kind of grape formation. Normally, people don't see the cecotropes at all (or maybe only once in awhile), because the rabbit eats them straight from the anus (this is a form if re-ingestion, like cows chewing cud).If you're finding cecotropes, this either means your rabbit is making too many of them, or for some reason can't reach down to eat them.If your rabbit can't reach her cecotropes, she needs to see a vet because she could in pain (suffering from an injury, or arthritis). Pain needs to be managed in rabbits with medication because bunnies in pain often choose to stop eating, which is very dangerous (rabbits can't safely fast like humans and many other animals can; when they do fast, they quickly fall deathly ill). Another reason the rabbit might not be able to reach down to eat her cecotropes is she could be obese. Obese rabbits are at risk of various health problems, so they need to lose weight, but any changes in diet (even good changes) can make rabbits sick, so you need an expert like the vet to advise you on how to help your bunny lose weight. Whatever the problem is, the rabbit needs an exam by a vet because rabbits need to eat their cecotropes, and if your rabbit isn't eating hers, she could be getting sick.If your rabbit is making too many cecotropes, but still eating some of them, that probably means her diet is too high in carbs and proteins: usually this means the pellets you're feeding the rabbit aren't very good, but it could also mean your rabbit isn't eating enough hay, and/or you're feeding your rabbit unhealthy treats. Make some gradual changes to your rabbit's diet but if the problem doesn't stop, or if you notice other signs of ill-health, bring the rabbit to a vet.Pellets: Look at the nutritional information on your bag of pellets. For most adult pet rabbits, protein levels should be between 12 and 14%, and fat should be between 1 and 2%. If your pellets are too high in fats or proteins, look at the pet stores (including online) for better pellets, and then gradually make the switch (start by mixing in tiny amounts of the new kind into the old kind, and gradually increase the percentage over a couple of weeks until you're just using the new kind).Hay: The best way to keep a rabbit's teeth and guts healthy is by encouraging lots and lots of hay eating. Make fresh hay available in unlimited amounts. Grass hays are best for most healthy adult rabbits (like timothy, brome, orchard grass, meadow grass, etc); alfalfa (a legume hay high in protein) is good for growing rabbit youth and nursing/pregnant rabbit moms. Hay should smell sweet and fresh, there shouldn't be any mould or rot, there shouldn't be much dust, and it should be greenish. Putting two or three small piles of any around the rabbit's habitat might encourage her to eat more than one huge pile. A pile in the litter box is a really good idea as rabbits like to "graze" while they defecate.Treats: Dried commercial rabbit treats often have unhealthy ingredients. It's better for the rabbit if you stick to fresh fruits and vegetables for your bunny's treats (like apple, carrot, berries, squash). Your rabbit will like it just as much as a treat from the store, and it's better for your rabbit's health, and less expensive! Treats should be limited because too many will make a rabbit sick. The House Rabbit Society recommends no more than 2 tablespoons of treats per day for a normal, healthy 6 pound rabbit.See the related links/questions below for more information.

Why is rabbit poop round?

Rabbits' intestines are quite small. When the food passes through it it has to roll. Just like when you roll a small snowball down a hill it gets larger. So when the food rolls down the intestine, it is circular and grows. Also the rabbits' anus is circular so the feces pass right trough it when it is still circular.GO FIGURE!

Related questions

Why'd they build the Great Wall of China?

To keep the rabbits out. Too many rabbits in China

How many babies do a pair of rabbits usually have in one year?

rabbits can have as many babies as posibble but it is unfair to make them have too many !

What does it mean if your rabbit has many cecotropes?

No matter how often they seem to be eating cecotropes, if your rabbit is eating them all and you're not finding any left over, there's nothing to worry about! Rabbits eat cecotropes so they can get the full nutritional value from their food.If you're finding cecotropes left over, though, something's not right. If it only happens once, make a note of it and mention it to your vet at your next regular appointment. It could have just been passing stress or anxiety.If it keeps happening for more than a day or two, something is wrong, and you should call your vet, explain the problem and maybe go in for a special appointment.Perhaps your rabbit is over-producing cecotropes because his diet is too rich in protein and fat. In that case, you should adjust his diet: more hay, less pellets (and possibly find a higher-quality pellet that's lower in fats and protein), less fruits and sugary veggies (these are treat foods), and more fresh greens (like Romaine lettuce, basil, and cilantro).Perhaps your rabbit is unable to reach his cecotropes. In that case, your rabbit may be too obese and needs to go on a diet. Diets can be dangerous with rabbits, so you should speak with your special, rabbit-savvy vet. Or, your rabbit might have mobility problems (due to an injury, or arthritis, or "head tilt," or something like that). Mobility problems could be very, very serious, so bring him to a vet and find out for sure what's going on.

Where can you buy wild rabbits for sale in PA?

You can't buy wild rabbits for sale, only pet rabbits. Wild rabbits, like all wild animals, should be left alone and not domesticated, or caught and sold. It's one thing to hunt wild rabbits, and then sell their body or products (meat, fur), but you shouldn't catch and sell wild rabbits as live animals: there are enough pet rabbits to go around (in fact, in many places, there are too many -- overpopulation).

What are three animals that practice coprophagia?

There's quite a few - including Elephants, Pandas, Hippos and Guinea pigs (aka cavies). Rabbits, too, although it's more correct to say they practice "cecotrophy," not "coprophagia," because they don't actually eat their feces: they eat their cecotropes (a different kind of dropping).

Why did the anasazi believe in rabbits?

Rabbits are real. I believe in rabbits. I hope you believe in rabbits, too:)

What happens if rabbits have hard stomachs?

They have colic, too many gassy vegetables.

What can help balance the ecosystem in a meadow that has too many rabbits?

Elmer Fudd.

How many European rabbits are there in Europe?

there are not too many rabbits in Europe because most people don't like them.

Why are rabbits feet different than humans?

Rabbits got a long ears and they are so cool. donkey has long ears too but they are different. rabbits eats carrots and they like to jump. and rabbits are cute animals. we all like rabbits. some people kill rabbits and eat and that is terrible thing. and some people use their hair and make socks. rabbits live in all country. rabbits can be white, brown, black and many more. they can have red eyes and that's sooo cute!!

One example of an density-dependent limiting factor in the tundra?

Density dependent limiting factors are weather, predators, and competition between spices. e.g if there are too many rabbits in a an ecosystem rabbits will have other rabbits as competition because of the too little food.

Can rabbits eat cramberries?

Rabbits can eat cranberries. Just make sure you don't give them too many. 1-2 cranberries a day is okay.