

Is timothy hay ok for chickens?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Some chicks eat hay without having a problem their entire life, however, for others it is a deadly experience. This could mean an impacted crop.

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Q: Is timothy hay ok for chickens?
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Why is your timothy hay turning brown?

hay can be a variety of colors so it should be ok. if you've had it for a while you might want to buy some fresh hay.

What kind of hay does a guinea pig eat?

Timothy hay for an adult, alfalfa for a baby. There alternatives for timothy such as oat grass, but timothy hay is really best.

Clover is an example of Legume hay used for horses. Is Timothy a grass hay or legume hays?

Timothy is a grass hay

Can timothy hay grow in the wild?

yes .some other animals eat timothy hay.

What is the difference between orchard and timothy hay?

Orchard and Timothy hay are two different species of hay. Both are considered grass type hays however. Timothy hay tends to have a lower protein level than Orchard hay, but can also be more expensive. The overall nutritional content of both hays will vary according to where they are grown.

Where do you buy timothy hay?

you can buy timothy hay at about any pet store, some walmarts carry it in the pet aisle.

Do chickens eat hay?

No. Hay and straw is used for ground cover and absorbing droppings. The chickens will scratch and search the hay for bugs and errant seeds. They do not eat it.

Do horses eat timothy hay?

Yes horse do eat timothy hay, in fact it is one of the more commonly fed hays.

What do domestic rabbits eat?

Timothy Hay

Is Timothy hay vegetables?

Yes its a vegetable

Are rabbits allowed to eat timothy hay?

yes, timothy is the best hay for bunnies. just remember never get off the road, it could have gas