

Is wolf spider are the coolest spider?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Is the wolf spider the coolest spider ever?

They are really cool little animals. They hunt insect pests. They are not inclined to bite humans, except in self defense. (So don't grab one.)

If you like wolf Spiders you should learn about jumping spiders too. Jumping spiders often act like they are as curious about humans as we are curious about them. They have very good vision. They hunt by securing a safety line of silk (in case things don't work out right) and then jumping some distance to grab and bite their prey. If they miss, or if they catch something that is big enough to knock them off their perch, then they just fall the length of their safety line. They can also use this silk to make a sort of kite, let it get caught in a breeze, and then take off. The young spiders disperse this way, when they get old enough to leave their mother, so that they do not all end up hunting in the same small region.

Jumping spiders can bite too, but only because they are getting hurt and want to protect themselves. Many of them are extremely beautiful, and people may try to take them captive and get bitten for their bad manners.

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