

Le poisson-clown nourriture

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Le poisson Clown mange les crustacés Andy

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'Merci pour la nourriture delicieuse' In French, the adjective (describing word, so in this case 'delicious') comes after the noun (in this case the noun is 'food'), which makes it 'nourriture delicieuse' rather than 'delicieuse nourriture'. Because 'nourriture' is a feminine word, the word for delicious is 'delicieuse' rather than 'delicieux' which is what it would be if the word you were describing was masculine, such as if you were saying 'thank you for the delicious bread' it would be, "Merci pour le pain delicieux' because 'pain' is masculine

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You say "Mon nourriture préfèrée est"

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comment est la nourriture ici ? comment est-ce qu'on mange ici ?

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Horse Food: Nourriture de cheval Hay: Foin Horse Feed: Le cheval nourrit Oats: Avoine

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staple food is "une nourriture de base / un ingrédient de base dans la nourriture" "le riz est l'ingrédient de base dans la cuisine créole" (Rice is the staple food of Creole cuisine)

How do you say 'food' in different languages?

French-la nourriture Spanish-la comida Italion-l`alimento German-die Nahrung Dutch-het voedsel Tamil-Sapadu Indonesian-Nakanan Turkish-yiyecek or Yemek Phillipino-Pagkain

Would you say 'la nourriture préférée de' if the person whose favorite food you were asking was a girl?

Yes. "préférée" is here written in the feminine, because as an adjective, it follows the qualified noun (nourriture), which is itself a feminine word. It does not refer to the subject who is eating, thus: C'est la nourriture (fem.) préférée (fem.) du garçon (masc.) is the correct writing for 'this is the favorite food of the boy'. C'est le repas (masc.) préféré (masc., because repas is masculine) de ma mère (fem.) is the correct spelling for 'this is the favorite meal of my mother'.

What is the full version of the grace before a meal in french?

Here are three examples: Bénissez-nous, Seigneur ainsi que la nourriture que nous allons prendre, grâce à votre bonté. Seigneur, ayez pitié de nous. Christ ayez pitié de nous. Béni soit le Seigneur, pour le moment de ce repas, pour la joie d'être ensemble à partager le même pain. Rendons grâce à Dieu. Bénissez-nous, ô mon Dieu, ainsi que la nourriture que nous allons prendre et donnez du pain à ceux qui n'en ont pas. Nous vous rendons grâce à tous vos bienfaits.

How do you say the word 'best' in french?

masc.: meilleur, le meilleur, les meilleurs fem.: meilleure, la meilleure, les meilleures the best books = les meilleurs livres the best jam = la meilleure confiture that food is best for you = cette nourriture est meilleure pour toi

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Ma boisson préférée, c'est... and Ma boisson préférée est... are French equivalents of the incomplete French phrase "My favorite drink is... ." Context makes clear whether a trendier "My preferred drink, it's..." (case 1) or a standard "My preferred drink is..." (example 2) in English. The respective pronunciations will be "ma bwa-so prey-fey-rey sey" and "ma bwa-so prey-fey-rey ey" in French.

French word for favorite?

Typically, favorite would be translated as préféré. For example, "my favorite food" would be "ma nourriture préférée". A less common translation is favori, which you would often use where English says "the favorite", such as the "favorite candidate" in a political race (le candidat favori). note: The feminine form of favori is favorite.