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Q: Living things do not adapt to their surroundings by?
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How did racons adapt to living in different habitats?

they can adapt but there are still some negative things to consider like there body type and surroundings

Why living things need non living things?

if we dont then we cannot have houses, clothes, technology. thus, making it very difficult to adapt with our surroundings.

Do living things remain the same despite changes in their environment?

No, they adapt to their surroundings so they can survive in their changed envorment!

What theory promotes the idea that ''only the strongest living organisms that can adapt to its surroundings'' survive?

The Theory of Evolution promotes the idea that the strongest living organisms adapt to their surroundings and survive.

What is evolution short deffintion?

It is the idea that living things adapt to their surroundings. Also, the theory of evolution states that all living beings evolved from single-cell organisms

What theory promotes the idea that only the strongest living organisms that can adapt to its surroundings survive?

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.survival of the fittest

What is a list of the six characteristics of living things?

The six characteristics of living things are: *cellular organization *contains chemicals such as, water, carbs, proteins, lipids, and/or nucleic acid *use of energy *responds to its surroundings *grows and develops *can reproduce

Why do humans adapt?

Humans adapt because we are living things. Two characteristics of life are reaction to stimuli and being able to adapt in certain situations. All living things adapt when it is needed.

How living things adapt?

Only by the force of which living things or nature allow.

Do people change or just adapt to surroundings?

Do people change or just adapt to their surroundings?

Why is homeostaisis required by many organisms?

Homeostasis is required by many organisms because it is the ability to adapt to its enviornment. Not all organisms need homeostasis because not all organisms "TRAVEL" through different enviornments, so there is no need to adapt. ALSO One of the classifications of living things is the ability to adapt to an enviornments surroundings. Many organisms are living and this is required of those living organisms.

What is a trait that helps living thing?

All living things reproduce. Living things respond to their environment Living things adapt to their environment.