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Q: Mojave green snake venom How long does it take to kill you?
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What is the most poisonous snake in the Mojave Desert?

Crotalus scutulatus (common names: Mohave rattlesnake, is probably the most venomous snake in the Mojave Desert. Its venom contains a neurotoxic component that is capable of killing a human being in just a few hours.Just as a point of clarification, a poison is a substance that one must eat to be affected. A venom, such as that of a snake, must be injected. Therefore, a snake is venomous, not poisonous. Most snake venoms can be safely consumed with no problems (as long as you do not have an open sore in your mouth or stomach or digestive tract. The venom must get into the blood stream to kill.

When a snake bites and the venom spreads when the snake eats does the venom kill the snake?

No, because, actually, the snakes' venom is its' saliva (spit). -no kidding! And the species of snake is immune to its own venom. Hope this helps as well.

What is an nonvenomous snake?

a snake with no venom so it cant kill or injure you

Will a snake die from a platypus's venom?

Platypus venom would certainly be enough to kill a snake - but the snake could well inject its own venom in the platypus at the same time.

Can a sea snake's venom kill a person?

If it is a very potent poison, then, yes. It can.

How long would it take to die with a rattle snake bite if untreated?

It depends on the species, the amount of venom injected, and health of the victim. The eastern diamondback, the largest species, injects larger amounts of venom, and could kill in a matter of hours. The Mojave has the most toxic venom, ounce for ounce, and could also kill in that amount of time.

Why can't a venomous snake kill a possum?

Opossums apparently have an immunity to snake venom.

How does a brown snake kill its prey?

One word: Venom

How does a sidewinder snake kill its prey?

With venom. It has a venomous bite.

How do snake kill animals with venom?

the venom in the snakes helps to make it's prey die easily.

How much venom does a rattlesnake produce?

All rattlesnakes have the potential to kill a human but some species, such as the Mojave rattlesnake, the tiger rattlesnake and others, are very venomous and can cause a fairly rapid demise if bitten and medical care is not close at hand.

What are some adaptations of the king cobra snake?

venom to kill prey