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In the case with domesticated ducks, the answer is NO!

Reason #1:

In general, a drake (like 90% of them) has little to no parental feelings for his ducklings which is why most wild duck families have only a single hen. It is because the drake deliberately abandoned his family to seek another family because he saw the eggs/ ducklings as roaches whom were obstacles in the way between him and the hen. Some of them are actually chased away by the hen because some inappropriate behaviours such as quacking angerily at the ducklings who go too close (drakes like to have their own personal spaces). The only drakes that truly have paternal instincts are the wild Mandarin Ducks and Wood Ducks, but Mallards and Peking Ducks are completely out of the category. But don't get me wrong there are some father ducks of other species, though rarely, who do share scout duties with the hen in guarding their ducklings. Though this is more likely due to his personality of not wanting to be alone and that's pretty much the only reason for why he would choose to stay with the family.

Reason #2:

Domesticated ducks in general have been hand-raised by humans that their parental instincts have been somewhat corrupted. Even the females have barely any maternal instincts to care for her ducklings, let alone putting the male near them as this can lead to some aggressions towards the ducklings as the adults (especially the male) will likely attack the ducklings soon after a couple of days once they've grown bored of having the little ones around them. The mother's only maternal instinct is to incubate the eggs but as soon as the ducklings are out it is up to you to raise them.

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1mo ago

Typically, the mother duck is responsible for caring for the ducklings after they hatch, so the father duck may leave the nest. However, some species of ducks, like Mallards, might stay with the family for a while to help protect the ducklings. Ultimately, the father duck's behavior can vary based on the species and the individual duck.

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How long do chicks stay in a incubator?

They should be left in the incubator until they are dry,fluffy and active. Do not rush to remove them as opening the incubator will effect the un-hatched and still hatching eggs. This usually takes up to 36 hours and the first hatch chicks will survive quite well without food or water since the humidity in the incubator keeps them hydrated. After 36 hours all unhatched eggs should be candled to verify viability, and the hatched chicks moved to a brooder box.

How soon after a baby bird hatches should it be fed?

First let me say that the chicks should remain in the incubator until they are fluffy and dry. If you have a whole group of eggs in the incubator try not to open it up until they are all hatched. By the time they are all fluffy and dry they can begin eating and drinking.

How does a duck reproduce?

Ducks reproduce through sexual reproduction. A male duck will fertilize a female duck's eggs through mating, and the female duck will then lay the fertilized eggs in a nest. The eggs will hatch after an incubation period, and the ducklings will be born.

Do father teddy bear hamsters eat their babies?

It is rare for father teddy bear hamsters to eat their babies, but it can happen if they feel stressed or threatened. Providing a calm and secure environment for the hamster family can help prevent this behavior.

How long do the eggs of the mudpuppy take to hatch?

The eggs of a mudpuppy typically take around 50-70 days to hatch, depending on factors like temperature and water quality. Once hatched, the larvae usually remain in the egg casing for a short period before swimming out into the water.

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