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yes because if he/she doesnt, the rust will contaminate the food and the horse will have a stomache a really bad one

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Q: Should the owner of a horse replace a rusted feed bin immediately?
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Does a horse get colic that gets poisoned?

A poisoned horse can show signs of colic, but if you know the horse has been poisoned you should call and equine vet immediately.

What should you do with a person who is riding a horse near roadway?

You should immediately go around them if they are on the side of the road. If they are in the middle of the road, and it isn't a horse trail, consult the rider.

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Get help from an experienced horse veterenarian immediately.

What are some horse quotes?

The horse knows how to be a horse if we will leave him alone... but the riders don't know how to ride. What we should be doing is creating riders and that takes care of the horse immediately. ~ Charles de Kunffy

If your horse throws its shoe when your are riding what should you do?

immedately get off your horse and check out the hoove it threw the shoe off of. and call the shoe person immediately.

How soon will a horse have a seizure if penicillin in bloodstream?

The horse would have a reaction to the Penicillin almost immediately. It is best to get away from a horse that has been wrongly injected with Penicillin as the horses brain will be affected and it will flip over backwards. There is no antidote for this, but you should call a equine veterinarian immediately.

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tie a quick release knot that can be immediately undone in event of an emergency.

Is it healthy for a horse to eat a cereal box?

Absolutely not! If a horse eats a cereal box you should call an equine veterinarian immediately, this could be a life threatening situation.

Why is there blood in your horse's urine?

If there is blood in your horses urine you should probably get a veterinarian it is not common to have blood in the urine. The horse could have a bladder infection or might have a parasite infection.

Does a horse bleed out their rectum when he colics?

No, and rectal bleeding is an emergency. You should call a equine veterinarian immediately when you see this! It means that there has been some sort of trauma to the rectum, either through an object being inserted into the rectum or even a thermometer breaking inside the horse. If not treated immediately the horse could die.

What to give horse that swallowed hydrated lime?

If a horse swallowed hydrated lime, you should call a equine vet immediately as this is an emergency situation. Hydrated lime is highly caustic and toxic to both animals and humans, ingestion of the substance could be fatal if not seen to immediately.

Can you get some meds for your horse if they have thin skin?

Thin skin is not treatable by medication. If the horse however is having trouble with it's skin tearing easily you should contact a equine vet immediately.