

Structure that shows common ancestry

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Structure that shows common ancestry
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What is the structure that are similar to each other due to common ancestry?


What is a better indicator of the relationship between two organisms structure or function?

Structure is a better indicator of shared ancestry than function. When species share the same structure despite not needing similar structures functionally, it shows that there was almost definitely a common ancestor.

What are Structures in different organisms that share a common ancestry?

Homologous structure

Analogous structures are evidence of?

That different organisms are able to adapt to the same environment.

How is homologous structures an example of evolution?

Though the forelimb of your cat or dog does not look much like your arms these are homologous structures that are almost identical bone for bone. This shows the common ancestry of all tetrapods and the closer common ancestry of you and your mammal pets.

These are physical features shared by organisms with common ancestry they may have the same structure but different functions developmentally mature organisms?

homologous structures

What do homologous structure tells us?

That the organisms with homologous structures are of, at least, common ancestry and at most closely related. A backbone is a homologous structure that land and sea dwelling vertebrates possess in common because all can trace the backbone back to a common ancestor in the Precambrian. Now, a dogs front leg and your arm have the same bones, point for point, just differing growth patterns. This shows that you and your dog are closely related as both of you are advanced mammals.

Similaritys between the chicken wing and human arm?

how can you relate the structures of a chicken wings and the human arm adapted to served different function ignore that first answer because it makes no sense.some similarities are: 1)both of them have elbows 2)both have epithelial,connective,muscle,and nervous tissue

Who are the ancestors of people from Newfoundland?

While there is no one common ancestry, many of them have Irish ancestry.

What is the Strong evidence for the common ancestry of all vertebrates is?

The strong evidence for the common ancestry of all vertebrates is THE SIMILARITY OF THEIR EMBRYOLOGICAL STAGES.

What is the most common ancestry of your mom?

your nana

Are pharyngeal pouches and tails evidence of evolution?

It simply highly suggests that all organisms going through this developmental phase have common ancestry, thus are related on the tree of life.