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badgers,believe it or not!

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Q: The Dachshund was developed in Germany to hunt what kind of animal?
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Where does daschund originate from?

The dachshund originated in Germany, where it was originally bred to hunt badgers and hares - "dachs" is the German word for badger.

Why do wiener dogs have such long torsos?

They're because the dog used to be used to hunt. The standard size dachshund was bred to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the miniature dachshund was developed to hunt smaller prey such as rabbits.

Is a dachshund smarter than a rottweiler?

I think that a dachshund is smarter because they can kill rats and they hunt badgers!!!

Where did weiner dogs come from?

A weiner dog, or dachsund, got its name from its long body. it developed its long bodyn in Germany where they were naturally born hunters. They dug in the ground, reached in and killed groundhogs. but now, people love them for playing and the miniture ones for loving.

What are facts about dachshunds?

Miniature Dachshunds have long bodies because they were bred to go down holes and hunt badgers They were bred Germany. In German dachs means 'badger' and hund means 'dog'. A dachshund is actually a mix of English, French and German hounds and terriers. According to dachshund owners, these dogs are funny, cute and lively dogs who are favoured among kids.Dachshund literally means "badger dog" and they were originally bred to hunt badgers and other small animals. The Dachshund is from Germany. There are three types of Dachshunds, the Standard, the Rabbit or Toy, and the Dwarf or Miniature.

What do Dachshund Dog hunt?

from what i have heard when we used to breed them, was that they were bred to hunt badgers and other smaller ground dwelling mammals. their short stature was perfect for going into holes and dragging out the animal they were after. As to why they were bred to be long bodied, i haven't figured that one out yet, but am really interested in learning.

What the breed of dog who was orignally bred for fighting badgers?

The badger dog is the Dachshund. In fact, that's what its breed name mean in German - "dachs" mean badger and "hund" means dog. The name derived from the Dachshund's original use, that is, to hunt badgers by digging deep down into its burrow and fighting with the fierce ones.

Are dachshunds good with rabbits?

Unless the Dachshund is brought up from a young age around rabbits, it is unlikely that a Dachshund would get on with rabbits. Dachshunds are hunting dogs, bred to kill badgers and other small mammals. Therefore it would be unwise to introduce a fully grown Dachshund to a rabbit as the Dachshund may try and ''hunt'' it.

What type of animal does beagles hunt for?

they hunt for rabbits

What plains animal did some jumano hunt?

There are many animals that Jumano hunt. The main animal they eat are Buffalo.

What is Edward's favorite animal to hunt?

Edward's favorite animal to hunt is deer.

What animal does Japan still like to hunt?

They still hunt whales