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Daddy long legged spider,Osterage,hippopotamis,Lion and a Shark

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11y ago

number 5. the tiger number 4. the lion number 3.anaconda number 2. bears (any) and number 1 is.......... Great White Sharks! that is my best guess i hoped i helped you. :)

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Q: Top 5 animals that kill the most people?
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How many Australian households have pets?

First off you have to find out ---- People who like animals How many animals they have People who want animals but cant have them allergies People who dont want animals because of allergies People who dont want animals overall People who are scared of animals..

Does a jaguar have any predators?

Jaguars are animals that live in the rain-forests and are only killed by humans and other jaguars. Humans kill them for their territory, and they kill each other for mating rights. That would mean either two males fighting over a female, or a male killing a rival's cubs in order to mate and produce his own offspring. Outside of that, snakes may kill the young kill jaguars for their fur but no animals in wild go after jaguars

What threats do African savanna animals face?

Wildfires are a problem in the Savanna. They can spread quickly and can kill animals and plants in its way. Also, the increasing population can be a problem. They have developed towns and cities, destroying the surrounding area. Because of the cities, it invites tourists, who are also a problem. The minibuses get to close to the animals, such as lions and tigers, top of the tourist "want to see" list. Not only do they scare the animals, they are unlikely to mate or kill whilst being observed. This results in their number decreasing.

What animals are dangerous?

what is the most dangerost anamal in the world? ponypomp; Polar bear. But this depends on what classification you go by to determine this.Animals can be made dangerous by a variety of factors. Many dangerous animals are classified as a threat to humans because they carry venom which can injure or kill people. Others are physically dangerous: fast runners or swimmers with strong teeth and a fearless attitude. Still others are dangerous because of the diseases they carry. Some nations also have more dangerous animals than others: Australia, for example, has some of the most dangerous animals in the world including taipans and salt water crocodiles.

What are the Top ten softest animals?

The softest land animal is Chinchilla. The rodent is named after the Chincha people of Andes mountains in South America.

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Why are animals at the top of food chain at most risk?

Because they can kill people so we kill them.

What are the top 5 animals that kill the most people in Africa?

Not in order, they are: Hippopotamus, Mosquito, Cape buffalo, Rhinoceros, Lion. There may be discrepancies in this answer, as there may be other animals not listed here that are the biggest killers over others. But for sure, the top two killers in Africa are hippos and mosquitoes.

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It depends on how many people buys different animals.

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if it blows it top it can kill but otherwise no problem

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I think it is yes.Avalanche is a force which comes from the top and nobody can stop it.An avalanches kill people and animals. They destroy our food crops.

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The two most endangered animals on earth are the Black Rhino and the Giant Panda.

What eats a spider wasp in the desert?

Nothing really its at the top but they are some animals what kill them like cats, birds and dogs

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People cause problems to animals by destroying their habitats. They also contribute greatly to pollution, and may be the top predator to certain types of animals.

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it is on the top of the food chain,but people kill them to get food

Why do humans kill and don't care?

Because we are at the top of the food chain, so we dont care what the animals that we kill are hurt. We like feeling powerful! (not always a good thing) :)