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FALSE All collies to play Lassie have been male because male collies retain a thicker summer coat than females which "looks better on television" Also, the male is larger and a child actor can play opposite the dog for longer before outgrowing him.

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13y ago

No; Lassie has generally been played by a male dog because male Rough Collies carry a heavier coat throughout the year than females, who tend to be lighter-coated to begin with and shed out much of their undercoat in connection with their heat cycles.

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Q: True or False Lassie has always been played by a female dog?
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Was the character lassie a tiger true or false?

it is true

Can a female cat get pregnant if not in heat?

Cats are notorius for having false pregnacies.

Why does my male dog cry when he plays with squeeky toys?

When that happens shes going through a false pregnancy. "The female dog will often produce milk, engage in nesting activity and look like she's pregnant. It's amusingly sad to see the affected dog try to persuade a tennis shoe to nurse! False pregnancies are always unpredictable and can show up whether or not a mating has occurred. Often so much milk is produced the female dog becomes uncomfortable. Once a dog has had a false pregnancy she's likely to be afflicted again. Many dogs whether they are bred or not, will develop a false pregnancy, and look, act, and even think as if they are pregnant. Some will carry small toys or pillows around and even start digging a nesting site wherever they please. Fortunately 90% of false pregnancies resolve over a period of three weeks with no treatment. For about 10% of female dogs, though, the psychological effects directing mothering behavior are so intense that the female dog is miserable. She's continually searching for pups that aren't there and seeking relief from the mammary gland engorgement that's making her uncomfortable. Any female dog showing false pregnancy is apt to have a re occurrence in the future. There is NO reason NOT to breed this female dog but she may be a poor producer. There seems to be a greater risk of pyometra, a severe infection of the uterus, in any female dog that has had false pregnancies. There's no way of predicting the outcome of any breeding but many female dogs that have had a false pregnancy have gone on to whelp normal, healthy litters. Evidence does not indicate that false pregnancies are an inherited disorder. "

The front teeth of an elephant are called tusks True or false?

For African male and female elephants, the statement is true. In Asian elephants, the statement is also true, with the exception that a few female Asian elephants do not develop tusks.

Why are your female rabbits nesting when no male present?

When does (female rabbits) aren't spayed, they have "false pregnancies": they go through all the nesting behaviours, even though they aren't pregnant. False pregnancies are physically and emotionally stressful on rabbits. A rabbit who thinks she's pregnant may also become aggressive and territorial and will be difficult to handle. Putting an end to false pregnancies is one among many reasons why it's widely recommended that you spay your rabbit.