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As long as the pups have teeth they can start on puppy food

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What to feed a child?

solid foods

How much do you feed baby guinea pigs?

They feed from there mother. She will dicide when to let them eat solid foods. So all you have to do is keep the food dishes full.

What do you feed an Oscar?

You can feed them frozen fish foods, Oscar pellets, and flakes. IT is best you feed them a variety of foods rather than just one.

What are good foods to feed puppies to get them nice and fat?

The good foods to feed puppies are, meat and their mum's milk.

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You have to feed it fat foods (foods with the red triangle).

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Ants can eat a variety of foods. If keeping ants as pets, one should feed them small pieces of fruit every few days.

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I would suggest that you feed a dachshund only good quality dog food. Feeding human food is not good for any dog. You need to keep a dachshund more toward the slender side (not skinny) as they have a tendency to have back trouble.

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How do feed babies?

They feed off they're mom's milk, but they can eat solid food when they are born.

What do you feed baby guinea pigs if their mom dies?

if the baby is 2 days old or older it should be able to eat solid food if its younger then take it to the vet for help.

What do humans feed abandoned baby mice?

It is best to feed an abandoned baby mouse regular or kitten/puppy milk mix diluted in water. Once it has opened its eyes it is ok to start giving it bits of solid foods like cheese, or specialized mouse food. It is best to feed an abandoned baby mouse regular or kitten/puppy milk mix diluted in water. Once it has opened its eyes it is ok to start giving it bits of solid foods like cheese, or specialized mouse food.

What can you feed a mouse?

You can feed your little friend heaps of foods such as broccoli, carrot, avocado, celery, and fruits like banana, apple, plums, berries etc. And you can feed them wheat, oats, bread,cereal and many more foods.