

Were moats filled with alligators

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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No, however most moats were filled with spikes under the water so if anybody would try to cross it, they would fail.

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Q: Were moats filled with alligators
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Do moats have alligators?

Yes they did . (:

Were there alligators in medieval moats?

no, the climate in Europe was not warm enough to support alligators even if alligators were placed in the moat they would not survive.

What did the moats have in them?

Water? The moats were filled with water, they were also loaded with traps incase of attackers trying to swim across them.

What animal did some people think were kept in moats?

Some people that alligators and crocodiles were kept in moats. This what people would envision when they were told a castle was surrounded by a moat.

What besides can be found in a moat?

mudd Animals such as alligators are put in moats so eniemies cant get across

What besides water can be found in a moat?

mudd Animals such as alligators are put in moats so eniemies cant get across

Some people today think that alligators and crocodiles were placed in moats to help protect the castle from invaders True or False If true from where were the animals brought If false what was re?

There is a myth that alligators or crocodiles were placed in the moats. This is not true. Some moats did have eels and other kinds of fish in them for food. Sometimes, sharpened sticks (bungy sticks) were placed in the moat to prevent attackers from safely entering it. Burning liquids may also have been poured in the moats, but references to this are not proven.

Do most moats have sharks or alligators?

A moat could possibly have alligators or sharks depending on the type of water.Take your moat to be freshwater; it could possibly have alligators or bull sharks, probably it has nothing bigger than a carp.However take your moat to be saltwater; there is a much larger variety of sharks that could inhabit it (bull sharks included again) but no alligators. I don't know of any saltwater moats, but they probably have nothing bigger than a goby. If the case is that you are considering swimming in a moat, do not hesitate. But watch out for boats.

What are moats?

A moat is a deep, broad trench, usually filled wth water that surrounds a structure, installation, or town.

Why did castles have moat?

Moats were filled with water and would have slowed down any attempt to take the castle.

What is a moats?

A moat is a deep, wide, ditch, which is often filled with water.A moat is a deep trench that is filled with water and surrounds a castle or town. Its main function serves as a defense against attack.

Did round shell castles have moats?

yes round shell castles did have moats