

What a secondary animal?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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A secondary animal is a rabbit,squirrel or even a ladybug! Animals that are beneath the predator of the area and eat the preliminary food are the secondary. The preliminary animal is like a snail or the plants the rest is just predator, energy source or cover/home/house. If you study Ecology you'll find out all about it just like me!

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Q: What a secondary animal?
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Which organism is the secondary consumer in this food chain Aspen Rabbit Snake Hawk?

A rabbit is a primary consumer since it is a herbivor a secondary consumer would be an animal that eats the primary consumer like a fox.

What is the difference between a producer and a secondary consumer?

A primary carnivore is an animal that eats herbivores .A primary carnivore is an animal that eats the first order consumers (the animals which are herbivores). For example, a deer or a mouse. In the food chain: grass is consumed by a mouse which is consumed by a snake which is consumed by a hawk, the snake is the primary carnivore (because it ate the herbivore).

What type of consumer is this animal squirrel?

The raccoon would be considered a secondary consumer. They generally eat small animals (primary consumers). They also feed on a lot of plant material, such as fruits, berries and nuts.

What does tertiary consumer mean in science?

tertiary consumer  noun Ecology . a carnivore at the topmost level in a food chain that feeds on other carnivores; an animal that feeds only on secondary consumers.

Is a snapping turtle a secondary consumer?

Snakes are secondary consumers. If you think this through, it will be pretty clear. A primary consumer is an animal that eats plants. Snakes don't eat plants, so they can't be primary consumers. Snakes are either secondary or tertiary consumers. Snakes eat the following animals: mice, varied small rodents, birds, worms, small fish, small lizards, and in some cases, large mammals. If the snake you are using as your example eats small mammals (probably the most common case) then think about what the small mammal eats. Probably nuts, grains, etc. Plant material. So the small mammal is a primary consumer and the snake eats the primary consumer, so that makes a snake a secondary consumer. If the snake you are using eats something that eats other animals (say your snake eats birds or lizards that eats insects) then the snake may be a secondary or tertiary consumer based on if it is eaten. If the snake is eaten by an animal, it is secondary, if not, it is tertiary. ANIMAL ==> PLANTS = primary consumer SNAKE ==> SMALL MAMMAL ==> PLANTS = secondary consumer SNAKE ==> BIRD/LIZARD ==> INSECTS ==> PLANTS = tertiary consumer

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In biology what is a secondary consumer?

An animal that feeds on smaller plant-eating animals in a food chain. a consumer who consumes the first consumer A Secondary Consumer is a human/animal that eats meat and veggie.

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What makes an animal a secondary consumer?

If an animal eats plants it's a secondary consumer.

What is the differences between a primary and a secondary consumer?

A primary consumer is an animal that gets all its energy from vegetation. It is also called an herbivore.A secondary consumer is an animal that eats the primary consumers. It is also called a carnivore.