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Puppies can go into heat anywhere between 6 and 14 months of age, my American Eskimo is 7 months old and is having her first cycle. if they have not had their first cycle by 14 months she should be taken to a veterinarian...

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They American eskimo dogs stay pregnant 64-65 days or two months. This is the same average time that all dogs stay pregnant.

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Q: What age do American Eskimo pups go into heat?
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A dog usually goes into heat at 6 months old and although NT recommended at that age, they are able to get pregnant and have pups

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Your dog is 13 and is in heat is it possible for her to have pups?

Yes, she can. Altough, after 7 years, they are considered seniors. Breeding your female now at this age is not reccomeneded and can lead to many problems with the mother and the puppies.

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She should have reached maturity. Many say two years but you know better than anyone. But if I had to give an age I would say at least 18months. The American bull is a large breed dog and is more equipped to handle birth

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At the appropreiate age for a Bitch to breed would be around the age 9-10 months. This is usually where the Bitch, would go into her first heat also allowing the eggs to be fertile. I do not think you should breed her right away at that age; only because she is still a pup herself. Allowing the Bitch to breed at the age of 1-2 years will give her the oppertuninty to grow up and to have the proper nutrients for the pups to consume. But be sure to keep a close eye on the Bitch While being in heat. You wouldn't want a stray to come along and mate. Also be sure the Sire of the soon to be pups is the correct size. For the Bitches safety only because if your not carefull the pups could become to large for her a kill her during birth.

What age does the lemur have pups?

I don't think they're called pups, and it varies slightly with the species. On average, maybe two or three years old.

What age do yorkie pups get there hair?

At 66. retard. Who doesn't know that? Ugh!

Can you breed gerbils over the age of 2?

You can, but it is not advisable. She may not get pregnant and if she does at this old age, she or the pups may die from complications.

Can you give birth in wolfquest Slough Creek?

No. When you get to the mission when you have pups they are already 6 weeks old and remain that age. This is due to limited funding and since 6 weeks old is the average age when wolf pups in the wild emerge from the den.

What age can a cocker spaniel have pups?

Cocker spaniels live up to a normal dog age which is 14. They also can live up to 18.