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insects and amphibians and there is more but i cant figure out which ones it is

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Q: What animal does metamorphosis occur in?
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Does metamorphosis occur in humans Why or why not?

Metamorphosis doesn't occur in human because it is transformation from immuture creature to an adult. In case of human, we observe that from infancy to old age no such transformation occurr. Hence we can say that there is no metamorphosis appearantly

When does metamorphosis occur in the life cycle of a butterfly?

metamorphosis is occured in the life cycle of a butterfly in the part of the pupa

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What animal has incomplete and complete metamorphosis?

Complete metamorphosis- bees, flies, fleas, butterflies, moths, ants, and scorpionflies. Incomplete metamorphosis- grasshoppers, termites, maggots, cockroaches, and dragonflies.

Metamorphosis is an important process in the reproduction of which type of animal?


Which animal goes there incomplete metamorphosis?

cockroach , grass hopper .

What type of metamorphosis occurs in the Isoptera order?

IN Isoptra incomplete metamorphosis occur in which pupil stage is missing and larvae resembles its adult but smaller in size.

What is directional development?

Direct development is characterized when the offspring of an animal is more or less similar in physical attributes to the parents or the adult version. In this type of development, there is no metamorphosis or any kind of larval stage that will occur.

Does a bird go through metamorphosis?

No, it hatches from the egg as a smaller version of the adult, better known as a nymph.