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The mussel, a bivalve, has two valves, or shells.

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Q: What animal has two bluish-black hard shells?
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Solid body that is protected by two bluish-black hard shells?

lhve a soft body that is protected by two bluish-hard shells

Can two crabs live in one shell?

Not all of them have "shells," but all of them have exoskeletons, which are essentially the same thing.

A soft body that is protected by two bluish-black hard shells?


Why do animals have shells?

Turtles, snails, crabs, clams, oysters, shrimp, mussels, and eggs have shells because the creature can't protect themselves and Tom Fernanders otherwise many predators would simply attack the animal and eat it.

What are two disadvantages of early forms of money such as limestone cattle and shells?

not easily transpoprtable and hard to find/get

What two animal's have a hard exoskeleton?

arthopoda and mullasca

Why is the name bivalve a perfect name for the species?

Because the name Bivalve literally means two shells. Oysters have two shells, Clams have two shells, Scallops have two shells, etc.

What mammals don't lay eggs with shells?

There are two egg-laying mammals, and they both lay eggs with shells, but the shells are leathery, rather than hard shells, like birds' eggs. The platypus and the echidna are both egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. They are still classified as mammals because they feed their young on mothers' milk - a characteristic unique to mammals alone.

What is difference between bivalves and univalves?

Valve refers to a shell, so a bivalve possesses two shells, which are usually hinged together and more or less cover the animal (Class Bivalvia), while univalves have only one shell, and typically leave the muscular foot exposed, unless the animal is capable of withdrawing into its shell (Class Gastropoda).

Do all alkaline metals have 2 electron shells?

No. All the alkaline earth metals have 2 valence electrons, meaning they have two electrons in the outermost shells. No two alkaline earth metals have the same number of electron shells. Beryllium is the only one with two shells.

How many valence shells does the element neon have?

Period number = no. of electron shells. Therefore neon has two shells.

How many electron shells does the beryllium atom have?

Two energy shells. Made up as 1s2, 2s2 Shells 1 & 2 each have only 's' orbital and each orbital has only two electrons in it. The outer shell '2' is more energetic. The electrons are paired and spin in opposite directions to each other.