

What animal is slow but meticulous?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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I would have to say a sloth.

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Q: What animal is slow but meticulous?
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What is an meticulous animal?

A meticulous animal is one that work carefully on their task and makes sure that no detail is left uncovered. Some meticulous animals are beavers, weaver finches, and pocket gophers.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word meticulous?

more meticulous, most meticulous

What is slow but is not a animal?

My computer.

Is meticulous an adverb?

No, it is not. Meticulous is an adjective, and the adverb form is meticulously.

How do you spell meticulous?

That is the correct spelling of "meticulous" (attending to detail).

What is a slow it's animal?

Do you mean slowest animal? Sloth.

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The anaconda is a slow moving animal. It begins with the letter a.

What is a meanings of personally meticulous?

meticulous= careful with all details, detail oriented

Use in sentences the word meticulous?

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How can you make sentence with the word meticulous?

He had always been so meticulous about his appearance. He was meticulous about his grooming. Judy was so meticulous about scrubbing the floors, friends joked that her kitchen was cleaner than a hospital. By being meticulous in the scientific methods used, the lab technician prevented cross-contamination between biological samples. George was meticulous in decorating the cake so the lettering was perfect.

What is something that's really slow that's not an animal?

Trees. They're incredibly slow.

Which animal can run slow?

Eventually slow running turns into walking. All animals can do that.