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Many animals are as smart as man, or even smarter. Although they seem disguisting or small or not important, this is not who they trually are like.

Ants are as smart as humans. They live together in 'cities' and build tunnels, homes, storage areas, even hospitals! They have a ruler, a queen, and have wars. Some ants even own pets called antlions or aphids. When they pat their 'pets', the pet releases a fluid that ants love. Many other insects are this smart.

Dolphins are also quite clever. They can be trained and kept as unique pets.

Although parrots may talk, they just imitate what people say, and they do not know what they say in human language.

Spiders may be able to build webs, which are complex and hard, but it is just something they known as soon as they are born. Scientist are still trying to explain how they know how.

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12y ago

"Humans, obviously.. then the Monkeys."If by advanced you mean complex then humans have the heaviest and most complex brains relative to their mass, which is what many scientists think is the fundamental useful criterion. Whales have much larger brains but the nature of their intelligence is so different to ours that it's not very meaningful to compare them.

Amongst mammals, monkeys do NOT come next! The great apes outperform monkeys. Our closest rivals are probably bonobos and chimps.

To confuse matters, several recent studies have shown some corvids (crows, rooks, etc) outperforming the apes (for instance in making novel tools to solve tasks.)

There is some evidence that dolphins are roughly our equal in intelligence, with cases known of dolphins experimenting on humans and testing us (though not in the appalling ways that humans experiment on animals so maybe they rank higher than us)

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15y ago

human brains are most complex than the brains of any animal on Earth

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The octopus has a main brain and then a smaller brain in each tentacle.

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Q: What animals have more complex brains than mans?
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What distinguishes a humans brain from other animals?

Animals with larger brains tend to be larger than animals with smaller brains. Also, to a degree, larger brains tend to mean more complex behaviors. Yes, some mammals have more brains than humans and have less intelligence, but any mammal is more intelligent than an earthworm which only has some ganglia for a brain.

Why people have language and animals do not?

People have language because of our advanced cognitive abilities, specifically our complex brains that allow for abstract thinking, symbolism, and communication through sounds. Animals do communicate, but their communication systems are often simpler and more limited.

What animals do not have a brain?

Animals like jellyfish, sea stars, and sponges do not have a centralized brain like more complex organisms. Instead, they have a decentralized nerve net or a simple nerve plexus that allows them to respond to their environment.

More complex organism including plants and animals are called what?

More complex organisms including plants and animals are called multicellular organisms. These organisms are made up of different types of specialized cells that work together to form tissues, organs, and organ systems.

Sheep brain compared to human brain?

Sheep brains are smaller and less complex than human brains, with different proportions of brain regions. Sheep have a larger olfactory bulb relative to their brain size, reflecting their strong sense of smell, while humans have larger neocortex relative to their brain size, reflecting higher cognitive abilities. Additionally, human brains have more pronounced gyri and sulci compared to sheep brains, which is a sign of increased surface area for complex cognitive functions.

Related questions

What distinguishes a humans brain from other animals?

Animals with larger brains tend to be larger than animals with smaller brains. Also, to a degree, larger brains tend to mean more complex behaviors. Yes, some mammals have more brains than humans and have less intelligence, but any mammal is more intelligent than an earthworm which only has some ganglia for a brain.

Believed that as animals became more complex so did their emotions?

This idea is aligned with the theory that as animals evolved to be more complex, their brains also developed to experience and process more intricate emotions. This concept suggests that emotional experiences in animals may vary based on their level of cognitive and neurological development.

Why are some animals smarter than others?

It is because of their genes and their species. Some animals have smaller brains than others, there for, some have more abilities and are more curious. By being curious, the animal will be more experienced and be smarter.

Why do mammals have bigger brains than other animals?

Mammalian brains evolved from reptilian brains (simply instinctive), develop feelings and can alter instincts through experience.

Why people have language and animals do not?

People have language because of our advanced cognitive abilities, specifically our complex brains that allow for abstract thinking, symbolism, and communication through sounds. Animals do communicate, but their communication systems are often simpler and more limited.

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What animals do not have a brain?

Animals like jellyfish, sea stars, and sponges do not have a centralized brain like more complex organisms. Instead, they have a decentralized nerve net or a simple nerve plexus that allows them to respond to their environment.

How do animals with cephalization respond differently to the environment than animals without cephalization?

Animals with cephalization respond more quickly and in more complex ways.

Could you show pictures of a human brain and an elephant brain?

yes and i can show you more brains of other animals.

Are older fossils more complex?

no because older fossile are more primitive animals.

What are things only humans can do that animals can not?

For one, our brains are more developed than animals; we can remember things from when we were very young, where as I doubt a dog will remember when they were a puppy.

Which would you expect to be more complex animals- coelomates or acoelomates?
