

What are anthophytes?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Anthophytes are plants that are clade comprising and bear flower-like structures. Angiosperms, and Gnetales are anthophytes. Roses and tulips are also anthophytes.

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Q: What are anthophytes?
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Are there any marine anthophytes?

Yes, there are several types of marine anthophytes. These marine anthophytes include mangals, sea grasses, marsh grasses, and the like.

How do biennial anthophytes survive the winter?

they don't.

Fruits production in anthophytes develops from what?

A Female Reproduction Structure

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How do anthophytes attract animal pollinators?

they attract pollinators with sweet nector and/or fruit.

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biennials annuals

Are anthophytes vascular plants?

Yes , majority of plants are vascular .

What is an anthophytes?

The anthophytes were thought to be a clade comprising plants bearing flower-like structures. The group contained the angiosperms - the extant flowering plants - as well as the Gnetales and the extinct Bennettitales.

What is the difference between coniferophyta and anthophyta?

Unlike conifers (coniferophyta), flowering plants (anthophytes) produce flowers from which fruits develop.

What species does corn belong to?

The term "phylum" is rarely used by botanists, people who study plants. They usually refer to "divisions". Anthophytais the division, or phylum, of corn. Anthophytes are flowering, fruiting plants which have a vascular system with vessels.

What is an angiosperm?

APEX - A plant that produces seeds w/ protective covers

An anthophyte differs from a conifer in that?

The difference is that the anthophyte produces seeds and a conifer doesnt really produce seeds-b.bonbon Both are vascular plants and BOTH produce seeds, Anthophyta within a fruit (and usually with flowers to attract pollinators, coniferophytes (gymnosperms) produce seeds within their cones (pine nuts are seeds). There are exceptions to to the rule as in Yew and Juniper with regard to the cones.