

What are centipede's predators?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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some are predators.....some can sting you!

nope......birds sometimes

birds, toads, shrews, and even humans.(Can easily be stepped on, and some humans eat centipedes.)

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Centipedes are predators and will eat any invertabrate

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How centipedes protect it self?

Centipedes have many self-defense mechanisms against predators such as beetles, spiders, and snakes. Pinching is one of the mechanism the centipede uses against a predator.

Is a predator a carnivore?

No. Millipedes only eat dead/rotting plant material. Their relatives, the centipedes, are voracious predators.

What kills or eats a tarantula?

There are many predators of tarantulas. These include; wasps, centipedes, other spiders, birds of prey - and humans !

Is a millipede a carnivorous predator?

No. Millipedes only eat dead/rotting plant material. Their relatives, the centipedes, are voracious predators.

What group of animals is a centiped belong to?

Centipedes are arthropods, belonging to the class Chilopoda. They are among the largest terrestrial invertebrate predators.

What are the differences between a centipedes and millipedes?

Centipedes are fast-moving and are usually predators. They have one pair of legs on each body segment. Millipedes are slow-moving detritus eaters. They have two pairs of legs on each body segment.

What are Centipedes defenses?

Centipedes use the poison claws to bite potential predators including other centipedes. The caudal legs in some Scolopendromorpha may pinch. Other defense methods include camouflage, "aposematic" [warning] coloration and luminescence, "autotomizing" or dropping of legs that are grasped by predators, and outrunning them. Some species also produce defensive secretions with a variety of noxious chemicals and larger species appear to have poison glands in their legs, as merely walking on skin can result in inflamed puncture wounds. Some lithobiomorphs emit liquid strands from glands in the caudal end that entangle potential predators.

What is the height of a centipedes?

The average centipede is a centimeter tall. This is why centipedes are called centipedes.

What kind of plants do centipedes eat?

They don't eat plants. They are predators and eat insects. Millepedes on the other hand eat dead plant material.

Can you get HPV from centipedes?

You can not get HPV from centipedes.