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One instinctive behavior is to scratch

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Q: What are some instinctive behaviors of a lion?
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What are instinct behaviors of a lion?

One instinctive behavior is to scratch

What are some instinctive behaviors of koalas?

An instinctive behavior is mating

What are some of a polar bear's instinctive behaviors?

To attack you ( if you irritate them)

What does instinctive behaviors mean?

it means birds

What are instinctive behaviors of golden retrievers?

to guard

What is an instinctive behavior in humans?

instincts are non-learned behaviors that we are born with and that are coded into our genes. behaviors like smiling, crying, and screaming are instinctive behaviors. Behaviors like Fight or Flight are controlled by hormones. Try looking up Nature VS. Nurture for some more information. hope that helps.

What is an instinctive behavior of a lion?


What are some pandas learned behaviors?

some learned behaviors are that they like to eat bamboo they learnn to eat and find bamboo from their mother this is known as innate behavioure as it is learnt not instinctive.

Do instinctive behaviors take place in only cold blooded animals?

No. Instinctive behavior occurs in warmblooded animals as well.

What is an instinctive behavior?

Instinctive behaviors include flying and pupil dilation, as well as fighting and courting behavior.

What are three characteristics of instinctive behavior?

Instinctive behavior is a process whereby animals "know" (without having to think about it) when to search for food, drink water, urinate, defecate, reproduce, seek safety from predators, and seek shelter when there is inclement weather.

What are some instinctive behaviors of penguins?

they bark like dogs and eat cs for dinner witha knife and fork its yummy