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Infection is the biggest threat.

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Q: What are some of the complications of having a tracheostomy tube in place?
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Some of the complications that you can suffer from after going through Charite disk replacement surgery include, numbness, weakness and pain among others. The complications vary from one patient to another.

Should a patient's tracheostomy be capped before they eat?

Beyond Medicine. Having a tracheostomy affects your ability to eat and affects the kinds of food that you can eat. Your ability to eat depends on your medical condition as well as on your tracheostomy. A speech therapist will work with you to evaluate your ability to swallow with the tracheostomy in place. Also, your therapist can help answer questions about your particular dietary needs and preferences. Some people will not be able to eat at all and they will receive nutrition through a tube placed in the stomach. In this case, you may be able to have a few bites of food for pleasure, but only if you are able to swallow safely. Discuss this with your doctor, Tracheostomy: Caring for Yourself at Home respiratory therapist, and/or speech therapist. Together, you, your doctor, respiratory therapist, and speech therapist will determine if you are able to eat. If you are safely able to eat, here are a few tips to make swallowing easier with a tracheostomy: • Sit up as straight as you can. • Deflate the tracheostomy cuff while you eat. • Use a cap on the tracheostomy tube or a speaking valve while you are eating. A cover on the tube will help you swallow. Information from © 2003 - 2010 California Pacific Medical Center.

Can a person talk with a tracheostomy?

yes. people with tracheostomy can learn to talk.initially, patients will take some time in adjusting with this new way of breathing, but soon afterwards they may be able to produce sounds and communicate lightly.

What are the complications of having a caesarean section?

A caesarean section is normally considered relatively safe but the recovery period will normally be longer. Some other common complications during the procedure is heavy blood loss or vomiting.

What complications accompany coarctation of the aorta?

Frequently, there are other congenital cardiac complications present. Infants with Turner syndrome have a 45% rate of also having coarctation. There is evidence that some cases of coarctation may be inherited.

What are clavicle surgery complications?

Complications with clavicle surgery include the bones moving out of place and causing pain. Some people have pain because they can feel the metal plate and screws put in to hold the clavicle. If the bones go out of place, further surgery may be needed.

In order to manage the client on a mechanical ventilator is it necessary to perform a tracheostomy?

Emergency tracheostomy is necessary if the airway is not accessible (ie, due to swelling or some obstruction in the mouth or throat) and the patient cannot breathe. Otherwise the patient can be orally intubated and attached to the ventilator. After more than 7 days on the mechanical ventilation, however, it is wise to perform a tracheostomy for longer term management without maintaining the tube down the throat.

What are some complications with pregnancy if you are young?

I know that one of the complications is increased risk of miscarrage.

Can you direct me to some articles about the after effects of having spinal surgery?

You will need to rest and remain immobile for awhile. There could also be some complications

What are the indications of ceaserian?

due to some delivery complications it would be necessary to do ceaserian .due to some complications like PIH ,pregnancy induced diabetes,short uterus,misposition,and many other complications lead to undergo ceaserian. due to some delivery complications it would be necessary to do ceaserian .due to some complications like PIH ,pregnancy induced diabetes,short uterus,misposition,and many other complications lead to undergo ceaserian.

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Some common complications of stomach stapling are: infection, blood clots, hernia formation, bleeding, vitamin deficiency, breakdown of the staples, and complications of the anesthesia.

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Some of the risks people can experience with nose jobs are: bleeding, infections, nasal blockage caused by swelling inside the nose, as well as complications from the anesthesia.