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wriggling in stomach

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Q: What are the signs of round worms in a human?
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What does human round worms look like in feces?

What worms look like in human stool depends on the type of worm. A tape worm is flat and looks like rice, a hookworm in long and light colored, a meat worm is red and long.

How are worms different from flat worms?

round worms are round and flat worms are flat!

What is round worms?

Round worms are nematoda, which are, mostly, parasitic worms. A round worm is also called a Guinea worm.

What are the effects of improper disposal of human excreta and sewaages?

The transfer of contracting desease, round worms, or mineral flucxuations

Can you name me 3 types of major worms?

Round worms, segmented worms, and flat worms

Can roundworms be passed human to human?

Round worms do not transfer from human to human directly. The female round worm passes thousands of ova in the stool of host, after fertilization. The ova get conditioned in the soil. When these ova are ingested by another person, he gets the infestation by round worm.

What are three major worm phyla?

flat worms,segmented worms, and round worms.

Are round worms platyhelminthes?


What is example of worm?

1. Round Worms 2. Flat Worms 3. Segmented Worms

What are worms called that are smooth and tapered at each end?

Round Worms.

Round worms are in what phylum?

It's belong to the phylum: NEMATODA . some examples for round worms : _Ascrais _Necator americans .

What is the difference between flatworms and segmented worms?

(it would be false to say that all flatworms are parasitic--the idiot that wrote that wasn't so smart, so I had to change that-- because the PLANARIAN-for example, is flatworm and that is a harmless little critter) ~round worms are ROUND ~flat worms are FLAT ~Round worms have 2 body openings (mouth & anus) *random fact: 1/2 of all roundworms are PARASITIC, and 50 species affect humans**