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Q: What are three invasive species that cause a threat to the environment?
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What animals are now extinct from Global Warming?

The first mammal believed extinct directly due to global warming is the White Possum. This animal was native to Australia and has not been seen for three years; an expedition is planned for 2009 to see if one can be located. Its extinction has been attributed to an extended heat wave, bringing ambient temperatures higher than the species could tolerate for such a period of time. It is difficult to attribute an extinction specifically to global warming as the problem is usually concurrent with other factors that may damage or destroy a species, including deforestation, pollution, poaching, out-competition by invasive species, or even natural causes like disease and excessive predation. Also complicating the matter is that global warming alters the environment slowly, and the environment reacts to it slowly. The destruction of one species or environment may ripple through related ecosystems over the course of years, even decades. Furthermore, the greatest threat of global warming is in the future, particularly if humans take no action to reduce or eliminate its projected damage. A great many species are threatened by the changes global warming will cause and by some projections, we could lose as much as 10% of all species on the planet by 2050, and 30% of all bird species by 2100. Some even believe global warming could eventually drive all species on earth extinct, including humans, though this is generally regarded as alarmist at worst and unhelpful at best.

Does the greenhouse effect cause species get extinct?

yes it does

Why are raccoons called a generalist species?

cause there not good

Which factor could be the cause of the other three in an animal species?

A lack of genetic variability in the species #2

What do you call ecosystems where species are endangered?

There are many things that can cause an ecosystem to become endangered. When an ecosystem and the species in that ecosystem become endangered, it is known as a hotspot.

Related questions

What is an invasive species best described as?

"Invasive Species" is a term used to describe a species that is taken from it's natural environment and introduced somewhere else. The species then cause harm to the new environment it was introduced in.

How do invasive species harm the environments?

Invasive species cause harm to the environment, because their like unknown organisms that exist, and replace original species. I might be able to change the environment/ecosystem.

A factor that tends to cause species to change is a?

A factor that tends to cause species to change can be one of two things. It can be either climate change or an invasive species.

Which not a possible consequence of the introduction of invasive species?

Invasive species of plants or animals can cause a disruption in the natural food chains of a particular area. This can lead to the dying off of species normally found in that area.

How are Invasive species introduced?

They have been around much longer than they have been invasive. They only became invasive when human activity transported them from their native environment to a different one without the predators that kept their populations under control. In this new environment their populations explode exponentially and they invade more and more space in that environment, pushing native species towards extinction in some cases.

How are invasive species impacting the Great Lakes Food Web?

Invasive species have caused a significant amount of damage to the Great Lakes Food Web in recent years. The alien species of fish, of 25 at least know, are in constant competition with the native fish for food and a habitat. The invasive species are also the cause of the degrading of coastal wetlands.

Define what an introduced species is?

Non-native species that are superior competitors... Apex

What are two factors that will determine whether a nonnative species becomes an invasive species?

An "invasive species" is defined as a species that is 1) non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration and 2) whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.

What eats Australian rabbits?

A species is considered invasive if it spreads into new habitats and upsets the natural balance. For example rabbits eat the native vegetation and aggressively compete with native animals displacing them from their homes. Invasive species cause problems in both natural and agricultural environments. Invasive species are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity.

What do Australian rabbits eat?

A species is considered invasive if it spreads into new habitats and upsets the natural balance. For example rabbits eat the native vegetation and aggressively compete with native animals displacing them from their homes. Invasive species cause problems in both natural and agricultural environments. Invasive species are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity.

What is the problems with invasive species?

Native species have natural enemies and do not usually cause a problem. Invasive species frequently do not have natural predators. As a result, Invasive species can create tremendous problems for people. For example: in Florida Water Hyacinths turned lakes into dead zones and breeding areas for mosquitoes. They have done the same in Africa. Africa does not need more mosquitoes spreading malaria. In the Great Lakes, the zebra mussel has choked off water inlets. For a while in the Great Lakes, lampreys killed the fish. In Alabama, an invasive plant threatens to destroy the timber industry. Thus, some invasive species have crowded out native species and made major changes in the ecology. As they crowd out the natural species they can bring plagues and pestilence with them. They can also cause the failure of modern machinery.

What happens to invasive species?

Invasive species disrupt the natural order of an area. They do not have natural predators, hunt and kill animals that would feed the predators native to an area, and in some cases, can cause a complete collapse of the local ecosystem.