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Three traits that are inherited by all members of the cat species are that maybe their skin, eye color, what they eat, or the ability to catch mice or fish.

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Hair , mammary glands , non nucleated rbc .

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Q: What are three traits that are inherited by all members of the cat species?
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He contributed the Theory of Evolution to science.Evolution: is the change over time in one or more inherited traits found in populations of individuals. Inherited traits are distinguishing characteristics, for exampleanatomical, biochemical or behavioural, that are passed on from one generation to the next. Evolution requires variation of inherited traits within a population. New variants of inherited traits can enter a population from outside populations, and this is referred to as gene flow. Alternatively, new variants can come into being from within a population in at least three ways: mutation of DNA, epimutation (a change inherited in some way other than through the sequence of nucleotides in DNA), and genetic recombination.Scientific Theory: Is an accepted and proved scientific fact that states HOW or WHY something happens. The general misconceptions about theories is that they have not been proved... THIS IS WRONG. Alos, theories do NOT graduate to laws because laws just state that something happens under certain conditions while theories tell something happens AND how it happens.

How do you differentiate inherited characteristics from acquired or learned characteristics?

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