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There are essentially frogs and toads. All toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads. Amphibians (Class Amphibia) contain the newts, salamanders, frogs, toads and cicilians. Anurans (Order Anura) contains the tail-less amphibians - the frogs and toads This further breaks down into the Buffonids (family bufonidae) and the other frogs of various family linages. So the short answer to your question is 'anurans'

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Q: What can you call a frog other than frog?
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"Crrreeeeek" is the call of the Midland Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata).Specifically, the voice of the Midland Chorus Frog is a clicking trill that is made very quickly in less than a second. The pitch rises slightly. The call in fact is similar to the sound of a human running a finger or toe along the teeth of a comb.

How do male and female frogs find each other?

The mating call of the frog is well known and is executed by the male frog. He will locate a watery area deemed suitable for spawning of eggs and will then call out to the female to attract her to this area that he has located.

What is bladder of a frog used for?

It's how a frog "croaks" or makes it mating call.

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What would eat a frog?

the things that would probebly eat a frog are fish sharks and other big animalsif you didnt know that than your stupid