

What causes big cats to be endangered?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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That would be hunters with their guns.

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Q: What causes big cats to be endangered?
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The most endangered species is the big cats because people are destroying there habitats.If this keeps going on the big cats will be extict like the dinosours.After the big cats are extict more other types of animals will be endangered,even your favorite animal.You can help stop this from happening and in stead of making more animals dissappear.Lets make more animals or species.

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Same as all big cats, loss off habitat, and hunted for the illegal fur trade.

Are there endangered cats?

Domestic cats are not endangered, but many of their "cousins" are. Some of the most critically endangered include the Eurasian Lynx, the Tabby Tiger, and the Florida Panther.

Is anyone a zoologist and knows about endangered animals?

I once worked with the big cats, and know quite a bit about animals, just message me.

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Many wild cats are endangered, like the tiger. There are only a few left because people are killing them.

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cats are dogs and dogs are cats

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no they are not you dummy

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yes, they are endangered cats because they are only meant for speed not for strength. That means that tigers, lions, and lepards can easily kill them.

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Yes, it is endangered because they get hunted down by foxes and feral cats.