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The chromatin condenses into thick thread-like structures that later become chromatids.

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Q: What cellular events occur during early prophase?
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Related questions

In what phase does chromosomes condense and become visible?

The chromosomes in a cell's nucleus are only visible during the part of the cell cycle known as prophase. Prophase is the stage of mitosis in which chromatin condensation occurs.

Does the nucleus disappear during mitosis and meiosis?

Yes, the nucleus dissipates during late prophase and early metaphase in mitosis, and during Prophase 1/diakinesis of meiosis.

What is another term for resting phase in the early prophase?

Early prophase

Describe the chromosome during prophase stage?

During prophase, the chromatin in the nucleus begins to condense to form chromosomes. Nuclear envelope and nucleolus dissolves. In meiosis, during early and middle prophase I of meiosis the chromosomes become distinct and rodlike. Also during early and middle prophase I of meiosis synapsis occurs. During late prophase I of meiosis the chromosomes become clearly double-stranded and the nuclear membrane begins to disappear.

What is the early phase of mitosis called?


What is the stage of mitosis where the nuclear membrane has completely disappeared?

in early stage of mitosis

Which phase is directly affected when a cancer drug interferes with the development of mitotic spindle fibers during cell division?

Late prophase, metaphase, and anaphase would be negatively affected by a cancer drug that interferes with the development of mitotic fibers in cell division.

What stage of mitosis can you visualize DNA?

Prophase. Prophase occurs directly after the G2 phase of interphase. In early Prophase, the sister chromatids condense further, becoming visible with a microscope.

What phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes cross over?

Crossing over begins early in prophase I of meiosis. At the time, homologous chromosomes Are paired along their lengths. Each gene on one homologue ia alined precisely with the corresponding gene on the other homologue. Source: my science book copy right 2006

What is chromonematta in genetics?

The chromonemata is an individual coiled chromosome thread. The chromonemata is the coiled mass of threads visible within the nucleus at the beginning of cell division. During cell division, it remains relatively uncoiled during early prophase but assumes a more spiral shape during metaphase.

Is Call of Duty 7 real?

No. Call of Duty Black Ops is fiction structured on real events. It is set during the early 1960's to the early 1970's, during the Cold War. Some of the events in the game are real, like the Vietnam War, but the story is completely fictional, based on Black Operations that were carried through during this time.

How can you tell the difference between interphase and prophase?

Prophase is the first stage of cell division where the chromosomes appear as paired chromatids. Metaphase on the other hand, is the second stage where the chromosomes get attached to the spindle fibers.