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Mainly habitat loss, but even this may not be much of a problem. The peregrine has now adapted to life in big cities, nesting on tall buildings and feeding on feral pigeons.

The peregrine has a very large range, and is listed as least concern.

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Its niche is to hunt small birds to keep down the population and to keep the bug population down, because small birds eat bugs and such.

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What climate does the peregrine falcon live in?

The peregrine falcon lives in Florida but is endangerd. The peregrine falcon became endangerd in 1970. The peregrine falcon lives in Florida but is endangerd. The peregrine falcon became endangerd in 1970.

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A peregrine falcon is a large species of blueish-gray falcon.

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on google type in peregrine falcon

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the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird.

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The peregrine falcon can be found in the temperate zone around the world.

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