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I believe the term you are looking for is bipedalism or being bipedal.

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Q: What describes the ability to walk on two feet?
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The ability to walk upright on two feet is called?

That is 'bipedalism'.

Do monkeys walk?

Yes, monkeys can walk with two feet but normally they walk with four feet.

Why can humans walk on two feet and are primates cant?

most primates CAN walk on two feet, but choose not to.

Can kolas walk on two feet?

No, kolas can not walk on two feet only adult kolas could. If the grown up mother has a baby then she or he could walk on there feet.

Having two feetlike humans?

The word which describes something that walks on two feet is "Bipedal" (Bi' meaning two, Ped'al from the latin Ped; the feet, to walk) A Bipedal creature is called a Biped. Similarly, something that walks on four feet would be called "Quadrapedal" (a Quadruped.)

What are your feet?

your feet are the two things at the bottom of your body you walk with them e.g these are your feet.

Why do people walk on two feet?

People need something that we can walk on, and the way our body is shaped proves that it is only right to walk on our feet.

How many feet did the allosaurus walk on?

Allosaurus walked on two feet.

Why does a duck have two feet?

All birds have 2 feet so they can walk. So they can walk and swim properly!

On what occasion would a chimpanzee walk on two feet?

beacuase those are their feet

Do spider monkeys walk on two feet?


What is the name of an Animal that walk on two feet?
