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The turtle left behind was some eggs

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Q: What did the turtle leave behind in hatchet?
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How many years can a land turtle live?

You leave the water out to evaporate and then it will leave behind the chalk.

What kind of turtle was in the book Hatchet?

The turtle in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen was a snapping turtle. Brian, the main character, catches and eats the turtle as part of his survival in the wilderness.

What does brain prepare for his feast Hatchet?

In "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, the protagonist Brian prepares for his feast by catching and killing a turtle. He then takes the turtle apart, cleans it, and cooks it over a fire to eat for his meal.

What is a baby sea turtle called?

A baby sea turtle is called a hatchling.

What are the LeatherBack sea turtle enemie?

Type your answer here... Sharks, Killer whales, but mostly man. Man can run them over by speeding boats, or have the turtle eat trash we leave behind. It is very sad.

What did the animal bury in the sand the book hatchet?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, the animal buries the eggs it steals from the nest in the sand.

What eats snapping tutles?

Brian in Hatchet ate Snapping Turtle eggs but he was awesome and your lame!

What animals did brian meet in hatchet?

moose, porcupine, bear,turtle, fish, fool birds, and wolf

How many animals appear in the hatchet book?

Wolf,snake,minnows,moose,turtle,porcupine,bear and skunk.

What is brains first meat In the Book hatchet?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, the first animal that Brian catches and eats is a turtle. He struggles with the idea of killing and eating it, but ultimately chooses to in order to survive.

Do turtle's breath out the behind?

yes they do wierd but they do

Where does the water leave behind?

in india what does the water leave behind