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Animals generally eat carbohydrates to give then energy. The fats that are stored in the bodies can also be used to give them energy.

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Q: What do animals eat to obtain their energy - rich compounds?
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What describes a role of bacteria in the environment?

Bacteria and other microbes plays an important role in environment that is of DECOMPOSERS which acts in the last stage of food chain. These microorganisms like bacteria cause the breakdown of energy rich organic compounds. These compounds comes from decaying matter of plants such as leaves or from animals waste products and dead bodies.The microbial mediated degradation process is also called bioremedation.its a decomposer but that probaly doesnt helpNote: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the conversation.carrying out photosynthesis, recycling nutrients, and fixing nitrogen

Which nutrient is the arctic diet rich in?

The nutrient that the arctic diet is rich in protein. This diet is also rich in fat as well as carbohydrates which are needed for energy. In this climate people use greater amounts of energy and a diet higher in carbohydrates is needed.

What are 2 examples of consumers?

Consumers are organisms that use other organisms for energy resources, as opposed to producers, which can use sunlight to create their own energy-storing molecules, or decomposers, which get energy-rich molecules from dead organisms. Another name for a consumer is a predator. Consumers can eat plants, animals, bacteria, or just about anything else they are capable of catching. Most animals are consumers, including people. Other examples of consumers are birds, turtles, lions, frogs, and cows.

What do animals benefit from photosunthesis?

Animals benefit from photosynthesis by providing food rich in nutrients for the animals that eat plants (herbivores). Animals that eat other animals (carnivores) are indirectly benefitted, because they will then eat the animals that ate the plants.

What is a chemotroph?

Organisms that feed off chemicals, and digest chemicals in order to get their nutrients to live. Like we need food and water to survive.All known living things are either chemotrophs or phototrophs.Some chemotrophs live at the bottom of the ocean, eating energy-rich compounds that come out of the earth at hot hydrothermal vents and at cold seeps.One Example is: a Box Turtle

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Where do animals get their carbohydrates?

Herbivores obtain carbon from plants, which are rich in carbon compounds. Carnivores obtain carbon from herbivores.

What uses an outside energy source to make energy-rich compounds?

green plants

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What are energy rich compounds such as starch and glucose?

Starch and glucose are carbohydrates.

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Which organic compounds found in living things not energy rich?

Nuclear Acids and DNA

How do organisms get the energy thy need?

Organisms obtain the energy they need through various processes. Plants use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy-rich molecules like glucose. Animals, on the other hand, obtain energy by consuming plants or other animals, breaking down their food through digestion, and using cellular respiration to convert the stored energy into a usable form called ATP. Some organisms, such as bacteria, can obtain energy through other means like chemosynthesis, where they use inorganic molecules to produce energy.

Uses energy from food to make high energy compounds?

Mitochondria uses energy from food to make high energy compounds that the cell can use to power growth, development, and movement. Chloroplasts use energy from sunlight to make energy rich food.

What two energy-rich compounds make up fossil fuels?

coal and natural gas