

What do chickens need to survive?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Because chickens taste good and everybody loves chicken!

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Q: What do chickens need to survive?
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Will chickens survive a nuclear bomb?

Noboby can survive a nuclear bomb if he is within explosion distance.

What animals do you need to survive?

It would be a pretty poor world without milk cheesy and butter from cows. Oxen to draw a plough, horses to carry loads and goats and chickens for milk and eggs. You would need cows goats Ox horses chickens basically u need all animals

Your chickens got loose can they survive in the wild?

If there were no predators about they could, but that is highly unlikely.

Why do chickens bury their eggs?

They bury their egges because they want their chickens to survive without getting sizzled on a farmers frying pan

What do chickens need to servive?

Chickens need the same things other creatures, water, and shelter from predators & the weather.

Can chickens live in hutch or do they need a run?

Chickens may live in hutchs, they dont need to run as long as the hutch is big enough for the amount of chickens you own.

Where do chickens live in on a farm?

Chickens live in nearly every part of the world. The only place chickens cannot survive is in the water. Chickens can even survive desert regions if they have enough food given to them by humans.

Do chickens eat only grass to survive?

No.... Apparently they have a human-like system they also cannot survive without water from lakes and or rivers... ... ~ <3

Do hens and chickens plants survive winter?

Hahaha Chickens arent a plant they are born from an egg and are carnivores---------------------------------They do in Colorado in the Denver area. Our winter temperatures are fairly mild.Phloem

What did the Cherokee tribe hunt?

they hunted deer, rabbits, chickens, and anything they could eat to survive.

Do chickens need humans to survive?

In general - no - feral populations exist all over the world. The only exceptions are breeds with particularly incapacitating mutations, such as silkies, Japanese bantams, etc etc

Do chickens need vet care?

Yes, chickens need vet care when they get sick, just like any other animal.