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Everyday Food You usally feed a healthy degu a guinea pig and chinchilla mix or degu food (but it is very hard to find!). You could just do one or the other but together is the best. NO SUGARS. NO FRUIT. make sure to read the ingredients on the feed packages, some feeds for guinea pigs and chinchillas have mollassas, corn syrup, or other fruits. try to make sure they also have few veggies, as some have natural sugar(be sure to check!). Make sure you degus have plenty of Timothy Hay, as it helps them digeset everything and they love it. Treats they can have seeds/nuts, but only once in a while (about once every 2 weeks) because they are high in salt and fat. no fruits...some fruits are okay, but I wouldn't take the risk of giving them (degus are VERY sensitive to diabeates.... and they can't digeset sugar.) Veggies are okay sometimes. You will just have to find out what kind your degus love. As for mine, they love sweet potatos (With No Skin... it can be dangerous for a degu). I feed my degus braches. They love to chew on the bark. They escpecially love apple tree braches. Here is a very nice site for all of your questions

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they can eat almost anything that does not have sugar in it, but they can't eat broccoli, peas, tomatoes, fruit, those sort of things, they can eat carrots, lettuce, spinach, maple leaves, apple tree twigs (not apples), cheerios(not honey-nut), oatmeal(uncooked), grass, and celery.

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