

What do elephants eat in the wild?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Elephants can eat a whopping 660 pounds worth of veggies each day. They eat mostly grass, tree leaves, bamboo, wild fruits, bananas, and pretty much anything a vegetable.

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7y ago

The natural of wild elephants consists of leaves, tree barks, small plants and shrubs, fruit, twigs, grasses, and roots.

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Elephants browse for food all the time in the wild, in other words they eat all day!

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of course they do. If they didn't, they couldn't survive in the wild. African Elephants eat tree leaves, among other things.

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Elephants don't crack open peanuts, first off. Elephants eat hay, grass, and leaves, not peanuts. People in the circus used to train elephants to hid the peanuts in their trunks, but they don't eat the peanuts.

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Elephants do not eat giraffes because elephants do not eat meat. Elephants are herbivores.

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Elephants love fruit and would happily eat apples. However, apples tend to grow in temperate regions and elephants mostly live in hotter climates, so they wouldn't necessarily meet them.

What elephant eat and what eats it?

The diet of an elephant in the wild consists of grasses, small plants and bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and roots. Elephants are hunted an killed by man, lion, hyena, and wild dog. No doubt, somewhere in the world, man will eat elephant as a "delicacy"; but lions, hyenas, and wild dog will eat any elephant they can kill.

How many elephants are in the word?

There are an estimated 450,000 - 700,000 wild African elephants and 35,000 - 40,000 wild Asian elephants.

What food does a lion eat?

zebra, impala, buffalo, wild hogs, antelope and elephants when food is scarce.

How many elephants are left in the wild?

not that much of elephants are left in the wild because, people are killing them to get money and they tucks. they also will have a

Is there such thing as wild elephants?

Yes, despite poaching and habitat destruction, elephants can still be found in the wild.

Do elephants eat only plants?

Elephants mostly eats Grass, Leaves, Roots, fruits and Bark. They uses their long Nose or Trunk to pull barks form the trees. An adult Elephants can eat about 136 kilogram (kg) of food in a day. Elephants are the largest animals on the earth. There are two species of elephants, African and Asians. Elephants live a maximum 30 to 50 years in the Wild.