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Q: What do prey animals compete with each other for?
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What do lions and hyenas compete for?

Hyenas and lions compete over prey. Both animals hunt the same types of ungulates. They also fight over carcasses, and sometimes attempt to steal kills from each other.

How do animals depend on each other in a rain forest?

to get their prey

When the members of species compete what do they compete for?

Usually animals of the same species compete for mates { two males usually compete over one female.} Animals could compete over prey or vegetation too.

What would a lion and zebra compete for in their enviement?

Lions and zebra do not compete. Instead, lions hunt zebra for food. Lions do compete with other animals like hyenas over prey, including zebras.

What animals does the Gila Monster compete with?

The Gila monster has to compete for its food with a variety of animals. Because they eat things like lizards, frogs, and small mammals, they have to compete for food with animals like coyotes and birds of prey.

What are animals the prey of?

Animals are the prey of other animals/predators.

What kind of animals compete in the savanna?

Lions, hyenas, cheetahs, and leopards all compete for the same prey in the African savanna.

What animal is hunted by other animals to eat?


Are lion and hyena an example of commensalism?

No, not at all. Commensalism means the two species live alongside each other without helping, or harming. Lions and hyenas actively compete for prey, and will kill each other, kill each other's cubs, steal killed prey, etc.

How do predator and prey interact with each other?

Predators hunt, kill and eat their prey animals. Prey animals tries to outrun, or stay hidden, and in rare cases, fight off their predators.

Do bees kill ladybug?

Yes. They compete with each other for prey such as aphids, mealy bugs, mites, scales, and whiteflies. If they've no other food source, then they turn on each other. This is particularly a problem with Asian ladybugs. These non-natives are out-competing native ladybugs for prey. And they consider native ladybugs prey.

Are there any two species of animals that prey on each other?

Yes, men and women!