

What do sabertooths eat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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The saber-tooth cat likely ate rhinos, elephants and other large herbivores. Despite being commonly known as saber-tooth tigers, the saber-tooth cat was likely more like a lion.

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In the movies they are supposed to be half brothers.

What is sabertooths real name?

Sabertooh's real name is Victor Creed.

What did a sabertooth ate?

Well the sabertooths mostly ate yo mama and yo daddy

Do sabertooths still live 2010?

No sabertooth cats went extinct about 10,000 years ago.

When did sabertooths become extinct?

The Sabre-tooth Cat ( along with 3 other sub-families ) have been extinct for approx. 11,000 years.

Are there any pictures of sabertooths?

The sabertooth cat died out way before humans could take pictures with cameras. They may be featured in some of the oldest cave-paintings.

What are sabertooths powers from xmen?

Regenerative healing factor Superhuman senses, strength, stamina, agility, and reflexes Resistance to telepathic assault and control Retractable claws Fangs

What adaptation did the saber-toothed tigers have to make successful while it lived?

The most important adaptation of the sabertooth tiger were its very long canines (fangs) which allowed it to kill large prey with thick skin such as mammoths, elephants, bison, etc. By feeding on the very largest animals, sabertooths avoided competition with other predators such as wolves, lions and jaguars which would usually avoid such enormous prey. Unfortunately that meant that when the big animals, such as mammoths, went extinct, so did the sabertooths.

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it means rock that has been in a very dark place and eaten by animals like dinsauros and sabertooths but was then pooped out by them then eaten by cockroches so when the comet hit earth the cockroches got killed then stuck in a deep hole

Who will win a saber-toothed or tiger?

Sabertooths were highly specialized to make ambush attacks against large prey animals by using the enlarged upper canines, backed by body weight and muscle, to pierce the neck; their long success attests that they were very good at this. Their bite was very undeveloped compared to extant large felines as they did not really make a biting attack when using the sabers, their jaw muscles were adequate for eating large and thick skinned prey but were not in any way comparable to the highly evolved and immensely powerful bite of a modern tiger. Likewise, sabertooths sacrificed speed, agility, and mobility for raw strength and power with legs that were shorter and much thicker than a tiger, thus placing the sabertooth at a distinct disadvantage as it would have much difficulty using the sabers against the tiger while the tiger could freely employ its primary attack mode of a controlling neck bite accompanied, if needed, by a powerful raking attack with its rear claws. Unless you matched one of the really large sabertooths against the smallest of modern tigers fortune would, as usual, favor the more evolved.

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eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it