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Black widow spider venom affects the nervous system. Because the bite itself is relatively mild, some people may not even realize immediately that they were bitten. The venom causes pain in the lymph nodes. Other symptoms of a severe bite include dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, elevated blood pressure, sweating, tremors, breathing difficulty and increased white blood cell counts. The wound may appear as a bluish red spot, surrounded by a whitish area. Both male and female Spiders bite, but adult females produce the most severe bites. A physician should be contacted immediately following a suspected bite. An antivenin serum is available through a physician, but it must be administered soon as possible after the bite occurs. When this happens, fatalities are rare and recovery is usually quick and complete. --------------------- Long story short: The venom attacks your nerves, which could lead to becoming comatose, seizure, & paralysis.

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11y ago

If you can see the spider, cover it with a glass and then slide a card over the mouth of the glass to trap the spider inside. Transfer it to a jar of about the same sized mouth so that you can screw the lid on to make it safe to take to the hospital if you find that you need to go. Medical authorities say that you should seek medical treatment if a brown recluse bite is suspected. Usually these bites do not become medical problems, but sometimes venom can spread rapidly, for instance when it gets into a vein or artery, and serious effects can occur rather rapidly. If you have the spider that bit you to show to the doctor, then it will be easier to tell whether there is any potential for serious problems. Usually, nothing much happens because of a bite, but a visit will give your doctor to see anything going wrong at an early stage and also will give your doctor a chance to check on whether your tetanus shots are up to date.

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12y ago

You violently run in circles and search meanwhile the poisonous venom surges through your body..

[disregard them, they're trolling idiots]

Black Widows are generally not deadly except to small children and the elderly, though some exceptions do occur. If you have been bitten and the pain is NOT tolerable then you should get to an Emergency Room. If your symptoms are severe, then you should call 911 for ambulance transport so that your treatment can start on the way to the hospital.

Also, if possible, capture the spider that bit you (dead or alive) so that it can be identified just in case you only THOUGHT you were bitten by a Black Widow. Mistakes can be made.

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12y ago

Seek medical help immediately they can give you an antidote if you can't find medical help I'm sorry you only have have around 15 minutes to live.

this is not nesisarily true i have had the unfortunate pleasure of laying in a nest (if that's what one can call it) and received 3 bites from these fiesty creatures. it took about 2 hours to get to the hospital and by the time i got there the swelling around the bites had gone away and i was still alive they ran blood tests and they came out positive for the venom but negative for reaction. there are people out there who have a tolerance to the venom but im not saying to go and try to get yourself bit that could be disastorus.

and if you can kill the spider bring it (or whats left of it) to the doctor with you i could help the doctor

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11y ago

I am not an M.D., but here is some information I have gleaned from multiple sources:

If you can capture or kill the spider (without smashing it up to the point that it would be unrecognizable), that will help guide treatment. Lots of things can be mistaken for a brown recluse bite, especially staph infections, MRSA being the worst. The treatment for microbes is quite different from the appropriate treatment for venom.

It can do no harm to apply an antiseptic (not an antibiotic) on the wound site as soon as possible. Buffered iodine (Isodine), alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide after gentle washing with soap and water would help protect against any microbes that might still be able to work their way in at the bite site. Then try to keep the venom from working quickly before your body can mount a defense. Put an ice pack or other cold source on the bite area, just don't make it so cold that you get a case of frost bite. Your skin should not be made to freeze. Just keep it as cool as is comfortable. Immobilize the area so that your moving around does not act as a sort of pump, squeezing the venom along every time nearby muscles contract.

The usual primary symptoms of a brown recluse bite are not different from other bites and stings of a venomous sort. There will be pain, swelling, and perhaps a blister will develop at the bite site. Your body may be able to deal with the bite without help, but you should not ignore signs of real trouble. If you feel bad enough to go to the emergency room or to your doctor, you should do so. It would not hurt to be seen by a doctor soon after a bite occurred because that would give the doctor a baseline, an indication of how fast things are changing. However, there is no point in risking an automobile accident by a panicked rush to medical care. If tissue death (necrosis) occurs around the bite location, it will not do so very rapidly. You should watch out for more and more skin around the bite location becoming involved over the following days. That worsening of symptoms would be good reason for seeking medical care.

In some cases systemic effects can occur that are serious medical problems. In those cases, effects of the venom are exhibited at some distance from the bite location. If you experience nausea, vomiting, malaise, fever, etc., then you should not delay your visit to your M.D. or an emergency room.

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12y ago

If you get bitten, you have little time to get to the hospital to get medical attention, especially if you are old or young.

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You would die!! Jk you would half to go to the doctors as soon as possible. But if it was a female black widow it would bite if it was a male black widow it possible wouldn't bite you. My name is Josh North and i am in with grade.

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black widow, if it bites it WILL kill you

How powerful are black widow spider bites?

the black widows bite can kill a full grown man in minutes

How long does it take for the venom of a Black Widow spider to kill you?

The female black widow spider, though it is one of the most venomous spiders, seldom causes death as it injects a very small amount of poison when it bites. Reports indicate human mortality at well less than 1% from black widow spider bites.

What do black widow bites feel like?

it hurts, feels like you've been bit by a spider

What happens if a blackwiddow bites you?

If a black widow bites you it will inject its poison into you. The skin in the area of the bite will become red and may turn black and die, along with some of the muscle. You may also get very ill from the venom and develop kidney or liver problems. You could even die. It's best to see a doctor immediately if you are bitten by a black widow.

Do you need to go to the hospital if a black widow spider bites you?

Yes. You do because they are very deadly. Even though they are rare to bite you.

Is the black widow beneficial or harmful?

A black widow is not harmful to the evironment but can be very harmful if it bites someone. Any person who gets bitten will go into cardiac arrest and possibly die or death will occur without medical action immediately after.

Why are some spiders poisonous?

OF COURSE NOT! The Black Widow venom is the third deadliest spider venom in the world. Tarantula bites can lead to intense pain and nausea. Black Widow bites can lead to becoming comatose, seizures, paralysis & death.