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You call animals that fly in the air aerial locomotion animals. Such animals include most birds, bats and certain insects.

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Q: What do you call animals that fly in the air?
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Yes, he can. Give him an air plate, or how you call it and than he can learn fly!

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An aerial animal is any creature that spends time in the air, typically in flight. There are several animals like flying squirrels and flying lizards that can glide, but dont truly fly. The only flying mammals are bats, most birds can fly and almost 90% of insects can fly.

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Animals have What you and I would call a compass in there little heads. That's how birds know how to fly south for the winter. :)

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The fastest animals in air are called Peregrine falcons. They fly at 90 mph and dive at 200 mph.

What are areal animals?

Aerial animals are basically any animal who can naturally fly, glide, or soar in the air. Aerial animals include birds, insects, bats, sugar gliders, and flying squirrels.

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In theory, no. Goldfish are aquatic animals meaning they live in the water. They cannot be out of water for long periods of time without dieing due to lack of water. With that said, Goldfish cannot fly through air. If you threw a goldfish in air itd might be considered "flying" but in reality its most likely to die. Goldfish do not have the natural ability and talent to fly through air. If you built a tank that can support water and fish in the air and fly it then they can fly using that device, as we fly using a helicopter,jet,plane, etc.

When was Fly Air created?

Fly Air was created in 2002.

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Fly Air ended in 2007.

What do you call animals that live by air only?

what a supid question. mamals, reptiles. birds. insects